Drama: Act III – Macbeth

In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, what is the cause of Macbeth’s irrational behavior at the banquet? d.his guilty conscience
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Scene i, what does Macbeth say to the two murderers to persuade them to kill Banquo? c.That Banquo has been the cause of all their misery.
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Macbeth’s guilt causing him to imagine he sees Banquo’s ghost at the banquet is an example of b.internal conflict.
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Banquo’s allegiance to King Duncan was ____ . c.lasting
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Scene ii, what is the connotation of the word scorpions in this line?O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife d.horrors
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, what is the most likely reason that Macbeth sends along a third murderer to join the first two in killing Banquo? a.Macbeth has become terribly suspicious and trusts no one; he sends the third murderer to make certain the job gets done.
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Scene i, why is Macbeth glad that Banquo will not return to the palace until nightfall? c.Macbeth wants Banquo killed under cover of darkness.
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, at the banquet, Lady Macbeth encourages her husband to be ____ . a.cheerful
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, scene i, what does Macbeth mean when he says, “Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown/And put a barren scepter in my gripe,/Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand,/No son of mine succeeding”? d.His royal position will not be passed on to his children.
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Scene i, Macbeth says he fears Banquo for which of the following reasons? a.Banquo has noble qualities that make him worthy of being king.