
Caius Martius Coriolanus C son to Volumnia, general/noble of Rome, husband to Virgilia, father to young Martius
Virgilia C wife to Coriolanus
Volumnia C mother to Coriolanus
Young Caius Martius C son to Coriolanus
Tullus Aufidius C frenemy of Coriolanus and the general of the Volscian army
Meneius Aggripa C noble of Rome and closest friend/father figure to Coriolanus
Cominius C consul before Coriolanus
Titus Lartius C general of rome
Valeria C companion of Virgilia and Volumnia
Sicinius C tribune of the plebians
Brutus C tribune of the plebians
Adrian C a Volscian in service of Tullus Aufidius
Nicanor C a Roman in service of Coriolanus