Where is the beginning of Act 5 taking place? | A graveyard |
Who is the grave being dug for? | Ophelia |
Who are the clowns? | Gravediggers/drunkards/ low class |
Why are they arguing if Ophelia committed suicide or not? | If she committed suicide she wouldn’t be honored a christian burial |
What is weird about the gravedigger’s job? | The graves weren’t plotted so when he’s digging, he tosses up skulls and limbs |
What is even weirder about this? | He sings while doing it |
What does Hamlet notice about the skulls? | They don’t have jaws, or a tounge |
What is the point behind this? | They can’t speak, so they can’t tell their story |
Who does Hamlet say makes their money by talking? | A lawyer, and a courtier |
What changes about Hamlet after talking to the gravedigger? | He became more literate and will become a man of action |
Do the clowns know that it is Hamlet they are talking to? | No |
How old is Hamlet? | 30 |
How do we know this? | The gravedigger started working when Hamlet was born, and he has been working for 30 years. |
Who do the gravediggers say will live the longest? | A tanner |
Why? | He uses chemicals to tan his hides & his hands become sort of leather. |
Who’s skull stands out to Hamlet? | Yoric |
What was he? | king’s jester |
What did Hamlet pour on the gravediggers head as a joke? | wine |
Why will Ophelia get a Christian burial? | Because she was noble |
What does Laertes imply to the priest? | That he is going to hell because he is a jerk |
Does Hamlet know that Ophelia is dead in the beginning of Act 5? | No |
What does Laertes do at the burial site? | He jumps into the grave and hugs Ophelia dramatically (for show) |
Why does this anger Hamlet? | The funeral should be about Ophelia and Laertes is making it about himself instead. |
Who then jumps into Ophelia’s grave? | Hamlet |
What happens then? | Laertes and Hamlet get into a fight |
What does this foreshadow? | Their deaths |
Who does Hamlet tell his story to? | Horatio |
What was the story? | Hamlet stole the letter,and rewrote it saying kill the bearer of this letter (Rosencrantz & Guildenstern) and sent it |
How did Hamlet seal the letter? | With his dad’s ring |
Who agrees with anything anyone rich or in command says? | Osric |
Why is he talking to Hamlet? | He was sent by the king to give a speech trying to get Hamlet’s jealousy drive him to a fencing match against Laertes |
How does Hamlet make a joke out of him? | If Hamlet says its hot, Osric took his hat off, If Hamlet says its cold, Osric put his hat on |
Who does the king make a bet with? | Laertes |
What does the King bet? | 6 Horses |
What does Laertes bet? | 6 rapiers |
What does Gertrude want Hamlet to do? | Make up with Laertes before the fencing match |
What does Hamlet say? | Whatever happens ,happens |
What does Hamlet say will chose if he dies or doesn’t? | fate |
What does Hamlet do that shows royalty? | talks about himself in 3rd person |
Does Laertes accept the apologY? | yes, but ironic because he is planning to kill him |
What does the King say he is going to put in the chalas? | a pearl |
How does Gertrude die? | She drinks the poison |
What does Laertes begin to do? | Second guess the killing of Hamlet |
What happens between Laertes & Hamlet? | Laertes slices Hamlet, but Hamlet then gets the sword and stabs Laertes |
What’s ironic about what has happened to Laertes? | He is caught in his own trap |
What does Claudius say when Gertrude falls over? | She can’t stand the sight of blood |
How does Claudius die? | Hamlet stabs him, then forces him to drink the poison |
What does Laertes tell Hamlet? | That Claudius is responsible |
What does Laertes ask for from Hamlet? | Forgiveness |
What does Hamlet ask of Horatio? | To tell his story |
What does Horatio think about doing, but Hamlet stops him? | Drinking the poison |
Who becomes the King of Denmark? | Fortinbras |
How do they carry Hamlet away? | Like a king |
What builds stronger than a carpenter? | A gravedigger |
why? | graves can’t break |
What does the priest think caused Ophelia’s death? | Suicide |
Is Hamlet a hero? | Yes, he overcame his character flaw, Man of thought to man of Action |
“Twill not be seen in him there. There the men are as mad as he.”- | First Clown (Direct shot at ‘Shakespeare’s audience, English people are crazy) |
“Dost thou think Alexander looked o’ this fashion i’ the Earth”- | Hamlet ( Alexander was the greatest person ever & Yorick wasn’t, but they both ended up in the same place… In death, it doesn’t matter if you’re a top dog or at the bottom, everyone is the same) |
“What ceremony else?” – | Laertes (Is this funeral all that Ophelia is getting?) (Laertes is all about the appearance) |
“She should in ground unsanctified have lodged”- | First Priest (She shouldn’t have gotten a christian burial, she only is because the Priest was overruled by the King) |
“This is I, Hamlet the Dane.” – | Hamlet (Hamlet is taking the royal title/beginning to take action) |
“For, by the image of my cause, I see the portraiture of his.” – | Hamlet (Laertes and Hamlet are in parallel situations, they both are seeking revenge for their fathers, he gets why Laertes wants him dead) |
“If your mind dislike any thing, obey it.” – | Horatio (It’s a Rat trap) |
“I am more an antique Roman than a Dane.” – | Horatio (servants would kill themselves if the owner dies) (Brutus in Julius Caesar) |
Act 5 Hamlet
August 7, 2019