A Midsummer Night’s Dream/ Shakespeare Vocabulary

-Shakespeare Vocabulary
Alliteration Repetition of the same consonant sounds (but not necessarily the same letter) at the beginnings of successive words (initial alliteration) or in the middle of words (internal or hidden alliteration) or at the ends of words (end alliteration)
Allusion A short reference to a famous person, a place, a historical event, or another work of literature
Aside When a character’s dialogue is spoken but not heard by the other actors on the stage; useful for giving the audience special information about the other characters onstage or the action of the plot
Inversion A rearrangement of the usual order of the parts of a sentence, primarily for emphasis or to achieve a certain rhythm or rhyme
Malapropism The mistaken use of a word in place of a similar sounding one, often used with unintentionally amusing effect
Pun A joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings
Soliloquy The convention by which characters address themselves or the audience, sometimes while alone and sometimes as an aside while other characters are present
Run-On Line/ enjambment A line of poetry that has no pause, that is, no punctuation at the end but flowed into the next line to complete the thought.
Caesura The pause or break within a line of poetry, usually created by punctuation
End- stopped line When a line ends in a full pause as indicated by a mark of punctuation
Rhyme The use of similar or identical sounds in the accented syllables of two or more words
End rhyme Occurs at the end of a line of poetry
Internal rhyme Working a line of poetry
Eye rhyme Words that look but do not sound alike
Near/Slant Rhyme Words that almost rhyme
Rhyme scheme The order in which rhymed words recur at the ends of the lines
Couplet Two consecutive lines of poetry of any length or meter with end rhymes- usually a couplet contains a complete idea
Triplet Three consecutive lines of poetry of any length or meter with end rhymes
Rhythm The arrangement of syllables a poem
Accented/ stressed syllables Those that are said loudly, indicated by an á
Unaccented/unstressed syllables Those that are said softly and are indicated by a u
Delays/ omissions Create confusion in comedies
Meter The rhythm in a verse produced by the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables
Blank verse Unrhymed iambic pentameter
Free verse A poem that lacks a definitive pattern in rhyme or rhythm
Iamb unstressed and stressed symbols together
iambic paramater five iambs
Midsummer nights dream is written in what? Iambic pentameter (U/) Art(u)/ist’
How can you tell the difference between prose and poetry Prose has equal lines and no stanzas
Puck or Robin Goodfellow: Mischievous fairy, solved lover’s problems- closest character to a protagonist
Oberon Fairy King, in a squabble with Queen about a changeling
Titania Fairy Queen, under love potion by puck, falls in love with donkey bottom
Lysander First in love with Hermia, puck makes him in love with Helena, then he becomes in love with Hermia at the end
Demetrius First loved Hermia, but influenced by puck to love Helena instead
Hermia Egeus’s daughter, falls in love with Lysander, and runs off into the forest described as being short
Helena First in love with Demetrius, then thought to be mocked by him and lysander
Egeus Hermia’s father, complains to Thesius about her not loving Demetrius
Theseus Duke of Athens, won Hippolyta in war: married with the lovers in the end
Hippolyta Queen of the Amazons and Theseus’s Wife
Nick Bottom Rude mechanical and weaver, transformed into donkey head, plays Pyramus in the play
Peter Quince Rude mechanical and carpenter, leader of the group plays the prologue of the play
Francis Flute Rude mechanical and bellows-mender, plays Thisbe in the play
Robin Starveling Rude mechanical and tailer, plays Moonshine in the play
Tom Snout Rude mechanical and tinker, plays Pyramus’s father in the play
Snug Rude mechanical and joiner, plays the lion in the play
Philostrate Theseus’s Master of the Revels, responsible for organizing the entertainment for the duke’s marriage celebration.
Titania’s three fairies Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mote, and Mustardseed