Austerity | Definition: sternness or severity of manner or attitudePart if speech: nounSentence: “Be Quiet!” the man said with austerity. |
Beguile | Definition: To trick (someone) into doing somethingPart of Speech: verbSentence: I beguiled my brother into thinking I took his gum. |
Cloister | Definition: any quiet or secluded placePart of Speech: nounSentence: I stepped into the cloister of flowers. |
Dote | Definition: to bestow or express excessive love (habit)Part of Speech: verbSentence: They dote on their youngest child. |
Extenuate: | Definition: to represent (a fault, offense, etc.) as less seriousPart of Speech: verbSentence: The boy extenuated the entirety of his offense. |
Feign | Definition: to represent fictitiously; put on an appearance ofPart of Speech: verbSentence: The girl feigned her sickness so she did not have to go to school. |
Idolatry | Definition: excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc (idolize/worship)Part of Speech: nounSentence: In any case, my early idolatry of them could never have been sustained. |
Reveling | Definition: to make merryPart of Speech: verbSentence: The man reveled in the expensive black limo parked outside. |
Dissemble | Definition: to hide under a false appearancePart of Speech: verbSentence: The man dissembled himself to look like his father |
Flout | Definition: to treat with contemptuous disregardPart of Speech: verbSentence: He flouted the law as he threw his litter on the ground. |
Progeny | Definition: descendants/outcomesPart of Speech: nounSentence: Your progeny will be as rich and beautiful as you. |
Promontory | Definition: a high point of land or rock projecting into a body of waterPart of Speech: nounSentence: The man looked out the horizon from his high promontory position. |
Wanton | Definition: hard to control/cruel/without regardPart of Speech: adjectiveSentence: The twins were wantonus as they ran around the house. |
Bequeath | Definition: to give or leave by will – used especially of personal propertyPart of Speech: nounSentence: Lessons of the past are bequeathed to future generations. |
Chide | Definition: to speak out in angerPart of Speech: verbSentence: She chided us for showing up late. |
Derision | Definition: a state of being laughed at or ridiculedPart of Speech: nounSentence: One of the students laughed in derision at my error. |
Entreat | Definition: to make an earnest requestPart of Speech: verbSentence: I entreat you to help me. |
Rebuke | Definition: to criticize sharplyPart of Speech: verbSentence: The man strongly rebuked the girl for being disruptive. |
Recompense | Definition: to pay forPart of Speech: verbSentence: That company still needs to recompense that work that the contractor finished last month. |
Sojourn | Definition: a temporary stayPart of Speech: nounSentence: Our family enjoyed a two-week sojourn in the mountains. |
Spurn | Definition: obsolete/rejectPart of Speech: verbSentence: The elderly couple spurned all offers of financial help. |
Discourse | Definition: the capacity of orderly thought or procedure/verbal exchange of ideasPart of Speech: nounSentence: He likes to engage in lively discourse with his visitors. |
Enmity | Definition: mutual hatred or ill willPart of Speech: nounSentence: There’s a long history of enmity between them. |
Paragon | Definition: a model of excellence or perfectionPart of Speech: nounSentence In Arthurian legend, Sir Galahad is depicted as the one knight who is a paragon of virtue. |
Amends | Definition: compensation for a loss or injuryPart of Speech: nounSentence: She made amends with her friend after their fight. |
Audacious | Definition: loud/daring/have the nervePart of Speech: adjectiveSentence: I am appalled at your audaciously to skip school the day of the final. |
Gait | Definition: a manner of walking or moving on footPart of Speech: nounSentence: He has an awkward gait. |
Premeditated | Definition: thought out beforePart of Speech: adjectiveSentence: Their speeches are not premeditated- they’re all in the moment. |
Reprehend | Definition: to voice disapproval ofPart of Speech: verb Sentence: The mother reprehended the boy’s privilege of watching TV. |
Satire | Definition: to make fun ofPart of Speech: nounSentence: Saturday Night Live uses lots of satire. |
Transfigure | Definition: to change on the outsidePart of Speech: verbSentence: The man transfigured the paper into an origami bird. |
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare Vocabulary
July 25, 2019