A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act II

I love thee not, therefore pursue me not. What does Demetrius say in line 188?
glorious What does transparent mean?
Faint What does swoon mean?
Lies What are heresies?
Indulgence What does surfeit mean?
Mock What does flout mean?
You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant! But yet you draw not iron, for my heart Is true as steel. Leave you your power to draw, And I shall have no power to follow you. Recite II-I lines 195-198
And even for that do I love you the more. I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius, The more you beat me I will fawn on you. Use me but as your spaniel: Springer me, strike me, Neglect me, lose me; only give me leave, Unworthy as I am, to follow you. What worser place can I beg in your love (And yet a place of high respect with me) Than to be used as you use your dog? Recite II-I lines 202-210
A wood near Athens Where does II-I take place?
A place with trees and wildlife What is the denotative meaning of a wood?
Imagination, freedom, chaos What is the connotative meaning of a wood?
Sets up contrast between the city and the forest How does the connotative meaning connect with what occurs during II-I?
establishes the fact that the fairies are super small and fragile What does the metaphor in lines 2-17 reveal about the fairies?
Indian boy who Titania has What is the source of dispute between Oberon and Titania?
being mischievous and misleading mortals For what is Puck famous? What does he enjoy doing?
she doesn’t obey her husband How does the character of Titania go against the Elizabethan expectations of women?
Oberon loves Hippolyta and Titania loves Theseus Titania and Oberon make false accusations at each other. What are they?
they have disrupted nature, especially the weather What has happened as a result of the argument between Oberon and Titania?
the boy’s mother was in Titania’s order, and she promised to protect him when she died; Oberon wants him to be his henchman Why is Titania so protective of the Indian boy? Why does Oberon want him?
Cupid tried to shoot at a virgin but the arrow missed and hit a flower instead, now the juice of the flower will make people fall in love with the first person they see Summarize the story of Oberon’s encounter with the magical flower in your own words
wait for her to fall asleep, put the flower juice in her eyes, she will wake up to some terrible thing and fall in love with it, Oberon will take the boy What is Oberon’s plan in regards to Titania? Why does he do this, and how will this plan benefit him?
he’s going to kill Lysander but Hermia kills him because she doesn’t love him Explain what Demetrius means in line 190.
“You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant” – I’m attracted to you like a magnet; “for my heart is true as steel” – my heart should be too pure for me to be pulled in to you What metaphor and simile are being used by Helena in lines 195-198? What two things are being compared, and what does she mean?
“I am your spaniel”…”Use me but as your spaniel” – Helena wants to be like Demetrius’ pet, and she will cuddle up to him even if he’s mean What metaphor does Helena use in reference to herself in lines 202-210? What two things are being compared, and what does it mean?
people are going to assume that bad things are happening with Helena and Demetrius in the woods at night How does Helena risk her reputation by following Demetrius into the woods? What Elizabethan values are being reflected here?
sick when he looks at her, would leave her in the woods for beasts to eat her, would hurt her in the woods Provide three examples of Demetrius’ hatred for Helena.
Demetrius is making Helena act in a way that’s improper for a woman. Explain the line 240.
lovers are speaking in Iambic Pentameter, fairies are speaking in rhyming couplets. Compare/contrast the lovers’ speech to that of the fairies. How does Shakespeare use language to identify his characters?
Puck will take some of the love juice and put it on the eyes of the Athenian man (meaning Demetrius) so that he will fall in love with the Athenian woman (meaning Helena). Oberon has decided to muddle in the human’s affairs. What is his new plan?
they should share one bed because they share one heart. What is the subject of Lysander’s persuasive argument towards Hermia? What is his reasoning?
“Here is my bed; sleep give thee all his rest” telling sleep give him rest Locate and explain the example of personification spoken by Lysander.
he didn’t realize there were two Athenian men, so he put the juice on the wrong one. Explain how Puck makes his mistake.
“no, no, I am as ugly as a bear” – calling herself ugly; “do as a monster fly my presence this” – comparing herself to a monster because Demetrius is running away from her like she is one Identify and explain two smilies spoken by Helena her speech in lines 94-108.
He sees Helena, immediately falling in love with her; now both couples are messed up, and Puck has messed up “true love’s sight” What happens when Lysander awakes? How does this present a complication in the play?
she is mad because she thinks Lysander is mocking her, creating even more hate and anger between all four lovers Why does Helena react the way she does? How does this create another complication?
Helena is a more worthy lover, Lysander wasn’t mature in his judgement until now, reason has brought him to Helena, he will honor Helena and be her knight How does Lysander explain his newfound love for Helena?
Hermia a raven and Helena a dove, Lysander hates all the beliefs and actions he’s ever done or had towards Hermia, Lysander has had an overindulgence (fake belief) in Hermia What horrible comparisons are made by Lysander in regards to the sleeping Hermia?
a serpent was crawling on her and eating her heart while Lysander stood smiling, serpent symbolizes Helena, dream symbolizes the betrayed and attacked feeling she will feel when she discovers Lysander’s love for Helena Summarize Hermia’s dream. Explain its symbolism.
Act I presents themes of order and reason because it is set in the city, Act II presents themes of chaos and imagination because it is set in the woods How is Act I different from Act II? What themes are prevalent in each? How does the setting reinforce the themes?