Vocab The Tempest 2

Diligent Def: constant in effortpart of Speech: adj.Line from Play: “Brought to my diligent ear”Original Sentence: I was doing my homework very diligently.
Discord Def: disagreementpart of Speech: nounLine from Play: “And discord shall bestrew”Original Sentence: I am in discord with Donald Trump.
Disdain Def: to think unworthypart of Speech: verbLine from Play: “Sour eye disdain”Original Sentence: The man is disdain in the king’s presence.
Diversity Def: differentpart of Speech: nounLine from Play: ” And more diversity of sounds”Original Sentence: The diversity was obvious between the two men.
Mutinous Def: difficult to controlpart of Speech: adj.Line from Play: “To hear the solemn curfew; by whose aid, weak masters though ye be, I have bedimmed the noontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds, and ‘twixt the green sea and the azured vault set roaring war—to th’ dread rattling thunder”Original Sentence: Getting a group of young people to very quiet is mutinous.
Blasphemy Def: an act of cursing or reviling God.part of Speech: NounLine from Play: “Now, blasphemy,That swear’st grace o’erboard, not an oath on shore?”Original Sentence: People of some other religions like muslims speak blasphemy.
Auspicious Def: promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable part of Speech: adj.Line from Play: “I’ll deliver all, and promise you calm seas, auspicious gales, and sail so expeditious that shall catch your royal fleet far off.Original Sentence: Eating Bacon is auspicious than eating sweet potatoes.
Abstemious Def: limitingpart of Speech: adjective Line from Play: Be more abstemiousOriginal Sentence: We need to be abstemious when we play games at home
Sovereign Def: supreme part of Speech: adjective Line from Play: and with her sovereign grace Original Sentence: Donald Trump got a sovereign loan of a million dollars
Summon Def: to bring something to life part of Speech: verbLine from Play: deep in the cove where you summoned me Original Sentence: In Pokemon i summoned by Charizard
Harmonious Def: pleasant, agreeing part of Speech: adjective Line from Play: Harmonious charmingly Original Sentence: I was very harmonious in chapel
Requite Def: to repay part of Speech: verbLine from Play: I will requite you Original Sentence: I will gladly requite my debt to you
Expeditious Def: fast, quick part of Speech: adjective Line from Play: And sail so expeditious that shall catch Original Sentence:We traveled expeditious fast down the roller coaster
Indulgence Def: allow part of Speech: nounLine from Play: indulgence me Original Sentence: Please let me get Indulgence to go to the party
Loathe Def: disgust part of Speech: verb Line from Play: but barren loathe Original Sentence: I was in Loathe when he puked
Potent Def: powerful part of Speech: adjective Line from Play: What would my potent master Original Sentence: Donald trump has a potent business
Heed Def: give attention part of Speech: verb Line from Play: Must be so too if heed me Original Sentence: I gave a heed while he was presentin
Penitent Def: feeling or expressing sorrow for sin or wrongdoing and disposed toatonement and amendment; repentant; contrite.part of Speech: adj.Line from Play: “They being penitent, the sole drift of my purpose doth extend not a frown further.”Original Sentence: The penitent person cried about how he hurt someone’s feelings.
Wanton Def: to squander, especially in pleasure (often followed by away)part of Speech: verbLine from Play: “Some wanton charm upon this man and maid, whose vows are that no bed-right shall be paid till Hymen’s torch be lighted—but in vain.”Original Sentence: Billy wanton his money to his friends to be called cool.
Supplant Def: to take the place of (another), as through force, scheming, strategy, orthe like.part of Speech: Line from Play: For that’s my business to you—that you three from Milan did supplant good Prospero, exposed unto the sea, which hath requit it, him and his innocent child. Original Sentence: The U.S. forced Mexico out of Texas and took texas to expand the U.S.
Desolate Def: having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hopepart of Speech: adj.Line from Play: Which here, in this most desolate isle, else falls upon your heads—is nothing but hearts’ sorrowAnd a clear life ensuingOriginal Sentence: The man had a desolate feeling after everyone in his family died
Bestow Def: to present as a gift; give; confer (usually followed by on or upon)part of Speech: verbLine from Play: Incite them to quick motion, for I must bestow upon the eyes of this young couple some vanity of mine art. It is my promise, and they expect it from me.Original Sentence: I bestow the Panthers with the Super Bowl 50 trophy.