Twelfth Night – Unrequited love

Love in all its guises Love has layers – self love, romantic, familial, lust, friendship, unrequited
“If music be the food of love, play on, give me excess of it” – Orsino Love sick for Olivia despite her rejection – excess of unrequited love
“When mine eyes did see Olivia first methought she purged the air of pestilence” – Orsino Encouraged to persist Olivia by the fact she could love deeply – unrequited love
Orsino sends Cesario to Olivia to win her favour Unrequited love
“Your lord does know my mind, I cannot love him.” – Olivia Unrequited love Orsino gives Olivia
“Let him send no more, unless perchance you come to me again. Methinks I feel this youth’s perfections” – Olivia Olivia gains interest in Cesario, he knows exactly what to say to a woman because he is one!
Olivia sends Malvolio with a ring to Cesario Tokens: key symbol in the movie to try and win affections, real love can’t be won over
“If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servent” – Antonio Romantic/friendship love
Orsino declares women cannot love as deeply as a man Irony: doesn’t love deeply himself, how does he love Olivia if she doesn’t not love him back, he only lusts
“Of your complexion and about your years my Lord.” – Olivia Olivia hints she likes Cesario
“I know all too well what love women to men may owe” – Viola Dramatic Irony
“I pity you”/”that’s a degree to love” Olivia reveals feelings to Cesario but they are not returned, she is desperate for affection – unrequited love
“Wear this jewel for me, refuse it not” – Olivia Persists with Cesario, still thinks she’s in love and can win him over
“If it be thus to dream, still let me sleep!” – Sebastian Romantic, lust love
“There’s something in it that’s descivable” – Sebastian Marries Olivia despite not even knowing her
“For his sake did I expose myself to danger, all for his love” – Antonio Genuine love for Sebastian
“I’ll sacrifice the lamb that I do love, to spite a raven’s heart within a dove” – Orsino Reveals Orsino’s love for Olivia was lust and he loved the idea for love, yet he has feelings for Cesario
“Where goes Cesario?”/”After him I love…more than e’er I shall love wife” Viola stays faithful to Orsino
“Most wonderful!” – Olivia When she sees two ‘Sebastians’ – loves the idea of love and excess of it
“I shall have share in this most happy wreck…let me see thee in thy woman’s weeds” – Orsino Orsino can only love Viola as a woman (genuine love?), quickly switches affections from Olivia to Viola (lust)