Fabian | servant who is a disgrace because he was bear baiting, “You know he brought me out o’favor with my lady about a bear-baiting here” “O peace, peace” |
Maria | “Get ye all three into the box-tree. Malvolio’s coming down this walk. He has been yonder i’the sun practicing behavior to his own shadow this half hour. Lie thou there for here comes the trout that must be caught with tickling.” “He will come to her in yellow stockings and tis a color she abhors, and cross gartered, a fashion she detests, and he will smile upon her which will now be so unsuitable to her disposition, being addicted to a melancholy as she is, that it cannot but turn him into a notable contempt” |
Maria says this, Malvolio is the trout and the bait is the love letters | Who says and what is Malvolio and the bait in “Lie thou there for here comes the trout that must be caught with tickling.”? |
Malvolio | “Tis but fortune all is fortune. Maria once told me she did affect me and I have heard herself come thus near that she should fancy it should be one of my complexion. Besides she uses me with a more exalted respect than any one else that follows her.” “To be Count Malvolio” “There is example for’t:the Lady of the Strachy married the yeoman of the wardrobe” “Calling my officers about me in my branched velvet gown, having come from a day-bed where I have left Olivia sleeping” “7 of my people with an obedient start, make out for him. I frown the while, and perchance wind up my watch or play with my-some rich jewel. Toby approaches, curtsies there to me.” “Besides you waste the treasure of your time with a foolish knight” “By my life this is my lady’s hand: these be her very c’s, her u’s, and her t’s and thus makes she her great P’s. It is, in the contempt of question, her hand.” “To the unknown beloved, this, and my good wishes” “Jove knows I love, But who? Lips, do not move: No man must know” “I may command where I adore, But silence like a Lucrece knife, with bloodless stroke my heart doth gore, MOAI doth sway my life.” “I may command where I adore. Why, she may command me:I serve her she is my lady” “Be opposite with kinsman, surly with servants, let thy tongue tang arguments of state. Remember who commanded thy yellow stockings and wished to see thee ever cross-gartered.” “Thou canst not choose but know who I am. If thou entertain’st my love let it appear in thy smiling” |
Sir Andrew | “I knew twas I for many do call me fool” |
Malvolio, simile comparing the silence of this love and a knife | Who says that and what example of figurative language is this “I may command where I adore, But silence like a Lucrece knife, with bloodless stroke my heart doth gore, MOAI doth sway my life.”? |
The Fortunate Unhappy | love is manipulative |
Twelfth Night Act 2 Scene 5
July 9, 2019