Duncan | King of Scotland; first killed by Macbeth |
Malcolm | Son of Duncan; restored rightfully to the throne |
Donalbain | Son of Duncan; flees Scotland after Duncan’s murder |
Macbeth | Thane of Glamis, later Thane of Cawdor, then King of Scotland |
Seyton | Servant of Macbeth |
Lady Macbeth | Macbeth’s wife |
Banquo | A Scottish Thane; second to be killed; reappears as a ghost |
Fleance | Son of Banquo; Survives Macbeth’s murder attempt |
Macduff | Thane of Fife; finally kills Macbeth in revenge |
Lady Macduff | Wife of Macduff |
Lennox | Scottish Thane |
Ross | Scottish Thane |
Siward | Earl of Northumberland |
Young Siward | Son of Siward |
Hecate | Queen of the Witches |
Weird Sisters (Wayward Sisters) | Witches that plot mischief against Macbeth using charms, spells, and prophecies. Their predictions prompt him to murder Duncan, to order the deaths of Banquo and his son, and to blindly believe in his own immortality |
The Tragedy of Macbeth Characters
August 1, 2019