The Tragedy of Macbeth

Genre of Macbeth Drama
Mode of Macbeth tragedy- a literary work that recount the fall of an individual who, wile undergoing suffering , deals responsibly with the situations and dilemmas they face, and who therefore demonstrates the value of human effort
Title The Tragedy of Macbeth – underlined
Author William Shakespeare
Setting Time: eleventh centuryPlace: Scotland and EnglandAtmosphere: Foreboding
Source of Story Line Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotlande, Irelande , which recounts the lives of the real Macbeth, Duncan, and Banquo
Possible Motivation for writing the play Please King James 11) James 1 served as patron2) He is the descendant of the real Banquo3) He was an expert on witchcraft
Shakespeare’s Purpose to disclose to his audience the spiritual punishment suffered by a great man of originally good character who deliberately chooses a monstrous evil and thus corrupts his own nature
Shakespeare’s Theater The Globehad trap doors in ceilings and floorshad sound affectsall male castin an area where there is prostitutionopen air theater
Soliloquy speech mad by actor alone on stage that is directly to the audience revealing his/her feelings
Aside speech made by actor the the audience or confidently to another character when other actors are on stage
blank verse unrhymed iambic pentameter
pun witty word play
characterization the writer’s development of a character
catastrophe the resolution in a drama (the end)
Comic Relief humorous scene after a serious one
wordsmithing creating new words
Citing lines (2.4.1-2). Act 2 Scene 4 Lines 1-2
Aristotle’s Definition of Tragedy a story characterized by an individual’s fall from a secure, elevated position to social or personal defeat
tragic hero a protagonist that the audience can relate tomain character comes to an unhappy endgenerally a person of importance in societyhas tragic flaw which results in the individual suffering their downfall
tragic flaw hamartia caused by Fate
hubris excessive pride
tragic plot 1) reversal- the situation moves from good to bad2)recognition-tragic hero moves from ignorance to knowledge3)pathos (suffering)-a painful act directly affecting the tragic hero’s family
Catharsis purging of emotions (happens to audience)
Dramatic Irony audience or other characters are knowledgeable of something that other characters are not
plight predicamentSentence Example: After losing her home in a hurricane, Sarah shared her plight with the news.
brandish wave in the air Sentence Example: Julia was brandishing her paper in the air with excitement, but accidentally hit John in the face.
rapt absorbed in thoughtEX: Mike was rapted during class and payed no attention to what the professor was saying
corporal bodilyEX: He suffered a corporal beating and had bruises all over his body.
surmise imagine, guessEX:Because Julia is so dark, we can only surmise she spends her time in a tanning bed
peerless unequalledEX: The peerless runner was faster and better than everyone in the meet
chastise punishEX: My mom chastised me for sneaking out of the house and grounded me for one week.
impedes preventsEX:Phones impede students from doing their homework; therefore they spend all night doing it
chalice cupEX: People drink wine from a chalice
recompense reimbursementEX: Allan was seeking recompense from the drunk driver to pay for the damages.