Alonso is the king of what Italian realm? | Naples |
Prospero’s kingdom was: | Taken by his brother Antonio |
How did Prospero and his daughter survive the journey to the island? | Gonzalo’s help |
Prospero most often describes Gonzalo as: | honest |
What is the name of Caliban’s mother? | Sycorax |
Why does Caliban remain Prospero’s slave? | He is terrified of Prospero’s powers |
Prospero made Caliban a servant primarily because Caliban: | tried to rape his daughter |
what is the name of Prospero’s daughter? | Miranda |
In Act 1, Prospero’s daughter is upset with her father because: | mariners might have been killed in the storm |
Prospero’s daughter, at the end of the act, falls in love with: | Ferdinand |
Why is Alonso sad at the beginning of Act 2? | He thinks his son is dead and his daughter has been married off |
Where was the King’s ship coming back from before the storm hit? | His daughter’s wedding |
Who is Sebastian? | Alonso’s brother |
Ariel makes everyone fall asleep in Act 2, Scene 1 except for: | Sebastian and Antonio |
The people that stay awake plan of killing___ while they’re asleep: | Alonso and Gonzalo |
Caliban sees Trinculo and Stephano and at first think they’re spirits sent to: | Punish him for not working hard enough |
How does Stephano survive the shipwreck? | he floats ashore on a barrel of wine |
caliban eventually thinks Stephano is: | a God who brings good liquor from heaven |
when Stephano and Trinculo say “Kiss the Bible” what do they actually mean? | Take a drink |
After they get him drunk, Caliban swears to: | Kill Prospero |
Prospero makes Ferdinand his servant because: | he wants Ferdinand to prove his love for Miranda |
Does Prospero approves of Miranda and Ferdinand’s relationship by the end of the first scene of Act 3? | Yes |
Stephano and Trinculo get Caliban drunk and Caliban promises his services to: | Stephano, as long as Stephano will kill Prospero |
In Scene 3, Alonso, Antonio, Gonzalo, Sebastian, Fransico, and Adrian have a vision of: | A banquet |
Ariel appears to the travelers during their vision and tells them: | They will be punished for the wrong things they have done |
Ariel asks Prospero if he loves him/her/it. Does Prospero love Ariel? | Yes |
Ceries, Iris, and what other goddess appear to bless Miranda and Ferdinand’s relationship? | Juno |
Caliban’s main goal throughout Act 4 is to: | Kill Prospero |
What animal does Ariel send out to chase out Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban? | Hounds |
The Tempest
July 15, 2019