“When the sea is. Hence! What cares these roarers for the/name of king? To cabin! Silence!” Trouble us not.” (1.1.16-18) | Boatswain |
“No harm. I have done nothing but in care of thee – Of thee my dear one, thee my daughter”(1.2. 15-17) | Prospero |
“Thy father was the Duke of Milan” | Prospero |
“Have I, thy schoolmaster, made thee more profit/Than other princes can, that have more time/For vainer hours, and tutors not so careful” (1.2.172-174) | Prospero |
“Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboard.” Boatswain-“None that I more love than myself.” (1.1. 17-18) | Boatswain talking to Gonzalo |
O, I have suffered With those I saw suffer! A brave vessel, Who had no doubt some noble creature in her, Dashed all to pieces. O the cry did knock against my very heart! (1,2,5-9): | Miranda |
“… for then thou wast not/Out three years old.”(1.2. 40-41) and “Twelve years since, Miranda, twelve year since,”(1.2. 53) | Prospero |
“My brother and thy uncle, called Antonio – I pray thee mark me, that a brother should/Be so perfidious”(1.2. 66-68) | Prospero |
“O ho, O ho! Would’t had been done./Thou didst prevent me-I had peopled else/This isle with Calibans.” (1.2.349-351) | Caliban |
“To what tune pleas’d his ear, that now he was/The ivy which had hid my princely trunk,/And suck’d my verdure out on’t. Thou attend’st not!” (1.2.85-87) | Prospero referring to Antonio (his brother) |
“Hast thou, spirit, performed to point the tempest/That I bade thee?”(1.2. 194-195) | Prospero referring to the tempest and that Ariel made the show. Prospero magic is limited |
Thou strok’st me and made much of me; wouldst give me Water with berries in’t and teach me how To name the bigger light, and how the les, that burn by day and night. And then I loved thee. (1.2, 333-335) | Caliban talking to Prospero |
“The red plague rid you For learning me your language!” (1.2 363-364) | Caliban to Miranda |
“There’s nothing ill that can dwell in such a temple.” (1.2 446) | Miranda referring to Ferdinand (her new love) |
“That our garments being, as they were, drenched in the sea, hold notwithstanding their freshness and glosses, being rather new-dyed than stained with saltwater.” (2.1. 59-61) | Gonzalo says this referring to Prospero’s magical capabilities |
” ‘Bove the contentious waves he kept, and oared himself with his good arms in lusty stroke to th’shore.” (2.1. 113-115) | This quote shows Gonzalo’s personality |
“We have lost your son, I fear for ever. Milan and Naples have more widows in them of this business’ making.” (2.1.126-128) | Sebastian talking to King Alonso |
“You rub the sore, when you should bring the plaster.”(2.1. 132, 133) | Gonzalo talking to Sebastian (dichtonomy) |
“Letters should not be known; riches, poverty..” (2.1. 147) | Gonzalo, talking about what the new rules on the island would be |
“My strong imagination sees a crown dropping upon thy head.” (2.1. 204,205) | Antonio, Duke of Milan, trying to convince Sebastian to commit regicide against Alonso |
“My master through his art foresees the danger that you,his friend, are in..”(2.1.294,295) | Ariel speaking to Gonzalo while he is asleep |
“Like bulls, or rather lions; did’t not wake you?”(2.1. 308) | Sebastian making hilarious excuses while he has drawn his sword |
But rather lose her to an African ” (2.1.120) | Sebastian showing his racism and character |
”But for your conscience?/Ay, sir: where lies that?” (2.1.272-273) | Sebastian asks Antonio about his conscience, then Antonio, Prpsoero’s brother, replies that he doesn’t have one |
“A most perfidious and drunken monster – when’s god’s asleep he’ll rob his bottle” (2.2.127-128) | Trinculo referring to Caliban |
Shakespeare the tempest quotes
July 10, 2019