Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary Quiz

Appertaining To belong as a proper function or part of; relating to.
Beguile To deceive by guile or craftiness.
Benefice A church office or position endowed with fixed capital assets.
Beseech To request earnestly
Boisterous Rough and stormy; violent.
Consort A companion or partner
Cull To gather; to collect
Drudge A person who does tedious, menial, or unpleasant work.
Enmity Deep-seated, often mutual hatred.
Inundation The state of being covered with water; being overwhelmed.
Invocation An incantation used in conjuring.
Languish To become weak or feeble.
Mantle A cloak.
Orison A prayer.
Penury A state of destitution; experiencing extreme want.
Pernicious Evil; wicked.
Poultice A soft, moist mass of bread, meal, clay or other substance.
Presage An omen.
Prorogue To defer or postpone.
Rancor Bitter, deep-seated ill will.