What is the purpose of the prologue | to give a brief summary of what will happen. Foreshadows death and introduces the conflict. |
What events does the prologue foreshadow? | Romeo and Juliet falling in love.DeathFamilies Reconciliation |
How effective is the law in preventing and controlling violence, as evidenced in Act I Scene I? | They are more interested in the continuing the fued. Law is ineffective. Prince tries to stop it. |
What does the expression “purple fountains” refer? | blood |
What poetic device is used in “The sun is peering forth the golden window at the east”? | Personification; sun rising |
Romeo describes love as “a smoke raised with the fume of sighs;/ being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes./ being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers tears./ What is it else? A madness most discreet,/A choking gall, and preserving sweet.” What does this description of love tell you about Romeo and his feelings. | His love is a contradiction, he loves this girl but she doesnt love him back. His feeling just go back and forth. |
Capulet gives Juliet’s age and his plan for her future to Paris. What does he tell him? At this point, what is Capulet’s attitude towards his daughter? | She is only 13, about to turn 14, He has a very close relationship with his daughter. He says he is not ready for her to get married yet. Suggests looking for other girls. |
Look at Juliets first words to her mother, “Madame, I am here. What is your will? ” What do these words say about juliet and her nature. | She is respectful, raised well. |
What do the nurses recollections about Juliets childhood reveal about her character. | Shes very dirty, refers to something so innocent and turns it into dirty. |
Contrast Juliets remarks on marriage with those of the nurse. | The Nurse thinks she should because he is hot. Juliet doesnt care for him. She says she will try to fall for gim but not very hard. |
In Act I Scenes IV-V, How do you know what time of day it is? Quote the line that tells you. | Talks about torches. Need the light. so it is dark/night |
What do the lines “Is love a tender thing? It is too rough/ Too rude and boistrous, and it pricks like a thorn. reveal about romeo? Is he more aware of himself or his love. | More aware of himself, constantly evaluating how love affects him. |
Contrast Tybalts and lord capulets responses to romeos presence at the party. WHat does their exchange suggest about the significance of the fued? | Capulet respects romeo and says he will not hurt anyone and says he is a gentlemen. Tybalt believes he will not sin if he kills romeo because he is at the party. |
What does romeos immediate reaction to juliet suggest about his character? | He lusts over beauty. Love at first sight. |
Juliets lament at learning romeos identity, “My only love, sprung from my only hate/ Too early seen unknown, and known too late!” suggests the working of what device? | fate |
Quote and restate romeos metaphor involving Juliet. “Can i go forward when my heart is there? Turn back thy earth and find thy center out. | The earth is romeo and juliet is his soul. |
In ActII Scene II the play begins to explorethe meaning of identity. Explain how. | When juliet was saying Romeos name didnt make him who he was. |
When Juliet speaks “light love” or her “light” behavior , what does she mean by the word light? | she is innocent, her heart/behavior is light and hasnt experienced this love. |
What “stony” limits, besides the orchard wall, separate the young lovers? How do they dismiss the obstacles? | Their names, however they do not care who their names are they just want to be together. |
What roubles juliet about the arrangement she makes with Romeo? | They haven’t even known each other for long. |
In addition to describing the qualities and dangers of herbs, friar lawrence also compares these qualities to those in humans. What is the main idea of his soliloquy | humans can be kind but then they can be violent and harmful. |
why does the friar claim romeo is fickle? | He changes from rosaline to juliet in less than a day and was really upset about rosaline |
Why,in view of his opinion regarding romeos feelings, does the friar agree to marry them? | He thinks it will put an end to the feud. |
Mercutio calls tybalt “more than Prince of Cat,” referring to a character in an animal story. In what ways is Tybalt more dangerous than the fictional character? What does this foreshadow? | Very good at swordfighting foreshadows mercutios death. |
What is shakespeares purpose for delaying tactics of the nurse? | To make the reader eager and anxious for juliet to know what happened. |
What is the setting of Act II Scene 5? What effect does juxtaposing these short, varied sceneshave on the drama? | Juliets room. Everything is happening at the same time and the reader wants to know everything that is going on. |
How do Romeo’s and the Friar’s viewpoints on love differ? | Romeo is very hasty and fast, the friar wants them to take their time so their relationship doesnt blow up. |
What does the Friar’s warning against the intensity of their feelings foreshadow? | Eventually their love will not end happily. Probably dying. |
Look back at benvolio’s appearance in Act I, Scene I, and compare it to his appearance here. What role does he seem to playing throughout the play? | Reasonable person. However, will stand in fight if needed. |
What is Romeo’s response to Tybalt’s goading? Explain his meaning. | HE says he has an excuse for being at the party because of Juliet. He loves both families and he does not want to fight. |
Why does Mercutio become involved in the altercation? What irony presents his fate? | He threatens Tybalt and picks the fight. Gets killed however romeo tries to cover him. He blames romeo even though romeo tried to save his life. |
What dramatic function does Mercutio’s death serve? | Romeo kills tybalt and is banished |
Juliet has mixed feelings about tybalts death and romeos part in it, but what bothers her most? | that romeo was banished and she will never see him again. |
When the friar protests that banishment is a merciful sentence, what is romeos response? | He disagrees, he says death is better than being away from his love. |
Romeo wanders, “In what vile part of this anatomy/Doth my name lodge?” what thematic concept does the play continue to explore with this question? Explain. | Your name doesn’t say who you are. He continues to think why their parent hate each other and why his name separates him from Juliet. |
When the Nurse arrives, bearing news of Juliets grief, what does romeo attempt? How is this gesture characteristic of him? | He attempts to kill himself, As usual, hasty actions. |
(Act III Scene I) This serious scene has a pun by mercutio about death. How is this response to his wound characteristic of Mercutio? | He turns something serious into something silly, comic relief even though he was stabbed. |
Characterize romeo in this scene. Is he realistic in his hope that his relationship with Juliet will put an end to the feud? | No, it would make it worse because they would not approve of them being in love anyways. |
As Benvolio leads him away, Romeo cries out, “O, I am fortunes fool.” To what extent is Romeo a pawn of fate? To what extent is he responsible for the events that are so swiftly unfolding? | He cannot change it, he made every single choice |
How does scene III define masculinity | Romeo cries and is accused of being a woman, Juliet cries and it is okay. |
What is occuring ironically while the unsuspecting Capulets plan to marry paris. | Juliet is planning on how to get with romeo. |
What does scene IV reveal about Lord Capulets personality? | He is selfish and will not listen to his daughter |
How does Shakespeare continue his light/dark motif in scene V? What happens when the day becomes lighter? | Romeo has to leave, when it is dark romeo can stay |
What is prophetic about romeos image as he descends fromthe ladder? | Juliet says she sees him as in the bottom of the tomb and she actually will. |
What is ironic about juliets response to her mother when she informs her of her fathers plans for her to marry paris? | Talks about how fast and rushed it is when she married romeo in a day. |
Juliet says “Well thou hast comforted me marvelous much.” To whom is she speaking and what does the tone of the passage reveal about her words? | Nurse. Juliet is stressed and overwhelmed. She has sarcasm because the nurse is insuting Romeo. |
Breifly state the friars solution and plan. | She is to drink apotion that makes her look like she is dead. Friar sends a letter to romeo saying to meet her. She will wake up in the tomb and romeo and her will run off. |
Analyze the friars motivations. Why is he willing to become involved. | He cannot legally marry juliet twice. Thinks it will help feud. |
When juliet tells paris, “That may be [happily met] sir, when i may be a wife.” how would paris and the audience interpreted her meaning differently? | By thinking she was talking about paris, not romeo |
Study the imagery in scene I. What is notable about it, what is the purpose. | It all refers to death. Foreshadows their death. |
What causes capulet to say “My heart is wondrous light!” | Juliet agrees to marry Paris |
How does fate again create problems for the lovers in scene II? | wedding is a day earlier and juliet has to take potion earlier. Interferes with plan. |
How do the fears Juliet discourses upon contrast with her previous attitude in the first scene? | first she is up for it, then she contemplates on how scary it will be. |
Does Juliets self composed exile require more courage than romeos banishment ? | More, her life is put at risk |
What kind of mood do the actions of scene IV create? how does this contrast with the mood in the previous scene? | depressing when juliet takes potion, merry in preparation for the wedding. |
What is the purpose of juxtaposing Scenes III, IV, and V? | Depressing, happy, sadness. Anticipation |
Capulet says “Ha! Let me see her. Out alas! She’s cold.” How does this statement reveal how the friars plans are working? | The potion is supposed to make her look like she is dead and it has. |
look back at Paris and Lord Capulet’s expression of grief. Were they sincere and heartfelt or artificial? | They make it about themselves and forget about the tragedy saying they are hated. |
Why does romeo think the apothecary will sell him poison? | He is hungry and poor. |
What does the speed with which romeo immediatley makes his drastic plans about his character? | He will not slow down, again, hasty |
What prevents Friar Lawrence from delivering the letter? What device? | Plague was going around and the messenger did not want the plague. fate. |
Judging from his words in the tomb, How do you think Paris feels about Juliet? | He loves her and wants to lay beside her |
Why does Paris think romeo comes to the tomb? | To do something villanous |
What does the prince mean when he says “All are punished” | Evryone lost something because of the feud |
what happens between the two families at the end. | They reconcile |
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
August 12, 2019