“As I hate hell, all montagues, and thee” | Act 1 Scene 1: Conflict |
“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs” | Romeo’s Love for Rosaline – Courtly Lover |
“She’ll not be hit with cupid’s arrow” | Romeo’s Love for Rosaline – Love v Conflict |
“O teach me how I should forget to think” | Romeo’s Love for Rosaline – Wants to get her out of his mind |
“Oh brawling love, O loving hate…O heavy lightness, serious vanity” | Romeo’s Love for Rosaline – mixed feelings, love is not what he expected |
“Faith I can tell her age unto an hour” | Nurse – closeness to Juliet |
“It is an honour that I dream not of” | Juliet – humble and meek, original veiws on marriage |
“Madam, I am here, what is your will?” | Juliet – Obeditent, distant to her mother |
“It is the east, and Juliet is the sun” | Romeo – love for juliet Act 2 Scene 2 / light and dark |
“That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet” | Juliet, to romeo about his name. |
“Oh teach me how to forget to think” | Old Romeo – Passive, self-pitying |
“Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this” | New Romeo – Proactive |
“If that they bent of love be honourable, thy propose marriage, send me word tomorrow” | New Juliet – proposing marriage |
“Madam!”/”By and By I come” | New Juliet – Doesn’t respond to nurse |
“Virtue itself turns ice, being misapplied/And vice sometimes by action dignified” | Friars Sililoquy – Evil sometimes made good by the right action |
“I do but keep the peace” | Benvolio demonstrates goodwill |
“I might live to see thee married” | Nurse demonstrates goodwill, want Juliet to be happy |
“to turn your households rancour to pure love” | Friar demonstrates goodwill |
“I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall…convert to bitterest gall” | Tybalt demonstrates rudewill and violence |
“Now comes the wanton blood up in your cheeks” | Nurse teases Juliet, humour, sexual innuendo |
“Sweet, sweet, sweet nurse, tell me, what says my love” | Juliet is nice to the nurse to get her to tell her what romeo said |
“And a handsome, and I warrant a virtuous – where is your mother?” | Nurse teases Juliet, humour and tension, changes subject |
“Is 3 long hours, yet she is not come” | Tension while Juliet waits for Nurse to return – soliloquy |
Romeo and Juliet quotes
August 4, 2019