why has tybalt come looking for romeo? | To challenge him in a duel |
What does mercutio do ? | antagonizes |
What is the outcome of the fight between romeo and tybalt? | Tybalt Dies |
What punishment does the prince give romeo? | Banishment |
Why does juliet defend romeos actions | she loves romeo/ she knows tybalt would have killed romeo |
At the end of scene II what does Juliet ask the nurse to do ? | Give the ring to Romeo |
What is Romeos reaction when Friar Lawrence tells him that the prince has banished him? | He is sad and depressed |
What is the Friar Lawrence’s plan fro Romeo | To sneak him out and try to get his punishment removed |
In scene IV what does capulet tell paris | On thursday she is going to to marry paris |
At the beginning of scene V why do romeo and juliet discuss whether it is morning or not | because romeo is banished so that in the morning romeo would have to leave in the morning |
what is Capulet’s reaction when he learns that Juliet refuses to marry Paris | Furious/ angry |
What does the nurse tells Juliet she should do ? | … |
At the end of scene V why is Juliet so angry with the nurse | cause the nurse still wants her to marry paris |
How are Juliet’s beliefs about love and marriage different from her parents | juliet believes that you should marry for love and not just because of the simple fact that you want to be married. |
When talking to her parents in this act explain how some of juliet’s lines are filed with double meanings | make a bride bed for tybalt |
Describe the change in Juliet’s behavior toward her parents | love to despise |
How does Paris think Juliet feels about him | Thinks she loves him |
What does Juliet ask of friar lawrence | To postpone the wedding |
What does juliet say she will do if she cannot find a way to avoid marrying Paris | Kill herself |
How does juliet respond to Paris’s compliments in this act | Counters his flirts with hate |
What does Friar Laurence say will happen when Juliet drinks the poison. | Her body will get cold and her heart will slow down |
How will Romo learn of Friar Laurence’s plan ? | send a letter |
What does Friar Lawrence say romeo and juliet will do after juliet awakens | run away |
in scene II what does Juliet tell her father | she will marry Paris |
what activities occur in the capulet household at the start of scene II | Preparing the wedding |
Describe Capulets character at the end of scene II | sourpuss to happy |
Describe the various fears juliet has as she gets ready to drink Friar Lawrence’s potion. | wonders if it doesn’t work,having doubts |
what effect might capulets change of plans have on the Friars arrangements | EVERYTHING |
at what time does scene IV occur | … |
how do the capulets, his wife,the nurse, and paris react when they find juliet | … |
what does Friar Laurence tell the family? | … |
According to lord capulet what will happen now to all the preparations that were made for the wedding | wedding turns into a funeral |
Why is romeo feeling cheerful at the beginning of scene I | Thinks the messenger has good news about his wife |
what news does Balthasar bring romeo | Your wife is dead |
After hearing the news, where does romeo plan to go | the apothecaries house to get some poison |
what does the speed with which romeo makes hos decision tell you about his character? | rash |
how is Friar John prevented from going to Mantua to deliver Friar Laurence’s letter? | the plague |
why does paris go to the capulets tomb | to put flowers on her grave |
how do you think Paris feels about Juliet | He is sad and misses her |
What is Romeos real reason for sending balthasar away from the tomb | so he can kill himself peacefully |
What does Friar Lawrence find when he enters the tomb | Romeo and Paris |
How does juliet kill herself | Stabs herself in the chest |
what causes lady montague’s death ? | sadness |
who tells the story of the events to the prince | Friar Lawrence |
what does the prince mean when he says “all are punished” | … |
at the conclusion of the play , what happens between the capulets and the montagues | they make up |
in this final act, how are Romeos actions guided more by emotion than reason | if he sat and thought about the plan and everything that was going on juliet woud still be alive |
by family list the people who have dies in the play | montague= mercutio,lady montague, and romeocapulet= Tybalt, paris, Juliet |
Romeo and Juliet Acts 3,4,5
July 16, 2019