______ What is Juliet’s state of mind at the end of act three? | She is hitting rock bottom emotionally. |
______ What excuse does Juliet use to leave her house? | Juliet says she has to go to confession. |
How does the mood of the play change during act three? | From the loving, romantic, ecstatic love of Act 1 and 2 is now furious, frenzied despair |
______ Why does Mercutio decide to fight in Romeo’s place at Tybalt’s challenge? | Mercutio thought Romeo was acting unmanly and not defending the Montague name. |
______ How does Juliet’s relationship with the Nurse change during this act? | Juliet will no longer confide in the Nurse. She is on her own. |
______ What solution does the Nurse offer to Juliet’s predicament? | Marry Paris and forget Romeo. |
______ What does Capulet demand of Juliet? | She has to marry Paris. |
______ In scene three, what plan for the future does the friar propose to Romeo? | Go to Mantua and wait until everything has calmed down. When the Prince is no longer angry, he can come back and celebrate his marriage with the families. |
______ How do you interpret Romeo’s description of himself as “fortune’s fool”? | He has sealed his fate. |
______ How does Romeo accidentally help cause Mercutio’s death? | He steps between Mercutio and Tybalt. |
______ How does Romeo respond to Tybalt’s challenge? | Romeo tries to calm Tybalt down. |
Romeo and Juliet Act 3
August 5, 2019