Romeo and Juliet Act 2

After the Capulet party, where does Romeo go The Capulet Orchard/garden
True or falseBenvolio and Mercutio find Romeo after the party and they all go home False, they can’t find Romeo and give up looking.
When does Juliet send the Nurse to find Romeo 9 o’clock
When is the wedding going to take place 12 o’clock
How does Romeo pay tribute to Juliet’s beauty in scene 2 A poetic soliloquy
What does Juliet mean when she says “wherefore art thou Romeo” She means “why” is his name Montague
What does Juliet say about names She says that it is only the name that is the enemy, not the person to whom the name belongs
What will Romeo give up for Juliet his name
True or falseRomeo is afraid that Tybalt will find him, so he makes the exchange brief False, he is indifferent to the danger, and only cares about his love for Juliet
Juliet worries that Romeo thinks her too quickly ___ won
True or falseJuliet thinks things are happening too quickly True
True or falseRomeo will send a messenger to Juliet to set up the wedding False, Juliet will send the messenger
WHo does Romeo go see after his talk with Juliet Friar Lawrence
What time of day is it when Romeo talks to Friar Lawrence about the wedding Dawn
WHy does the Friar think that Romeo is up so early He has a troubled mind, or has been with Rosaline
True or falseFriar Lawrence doesn’t want to marry Romeo and Juliet True, he has doubts, but he eventually gives in
What did Tybalt send to Romeo’s house A letter, challenging him to a duel
Who walks with the Nurse to find Romeo Peter
Where should Juliet go to get married Friar Lawrence’s cell
What does Romeo give the nurse so he can go to Juliet in the night A rope ladder
how many hours did Juliet wait for the Nurse 3 hours
True or falseThe nurse is quick to tell Juliet the good news False, she is too “out of breath”
How will Juliet go in secrecy to get married She will “go to confession” but actually get married
True or falseFriar Lawrence says that fiery and quick love is key to long marriage False, he tells Romeo of moderation
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?If love be blind, love cannot hit the mark. Mercutio, Benvolio, If cupid is blind, he will never hit the right people
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?It is my lady; O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! Romeo, Himself, about Juliet. He is remarking about how much he loves Juliet, and how he wishes that she knew how much he loves her
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?But soft! THrough yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! Romeo, himself, HE says how Juliet is a bright light in his life, and he lights up the world.
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?O that I were a glove upon that hand, that i might touch that cheek! Romeo, himself, he says that he wishes he were a glove, so he could touch Juliet’s cheeks.
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name Juliet, Herself, she is asking why Romeo is a Montague. SHe wishes that he would deny his family name and marry her.
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; Juliet, herself, She means that names don’t matter. A rose that is called a skunk is still a sweet-smelling rose, so it doesn’t matter that Romeo is a Montague
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep the more i give to thee, the more i have, for both are infinite Juliet, Romeo, She remarks how much love she has for Romeo. Her love for him is endless. The more she gives,the more she has.
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow Juliet, Romeo, She says that she doesn’t want Romeo to leave, but she knows that she has to leave, but she will see him again tomorrow
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?Wisely, and slow; they stumble that run fast Friar Lawrence, ROmoe, he cautions him about loveing too quickly. He wants them to take it more slowly.
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?Then hie you hence to Friar Lawrence’ cell’; there stays a husband to make you a wife: Nurse, Juliet, she tells Juliet that Romeo is waiting for her at Friar Lawrence’s cell so they can get married.
Who said this, who did they say it to, and what does it mean/what is going on?These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph die; like fire and powder; Friar Lawrence, Romeo and Juliet, He cautions them that a quick love could have a disastrous end. They should go slowly
After the party, why does Romeo run away from his friends He wants to see Juliet, but they keep teasing him
WHo overhears Juliet talking about her love for Romeo Romeo
Why shouldn’t Romeo swear by the Moon? The moon is inconstant
Before parting, the young lovers do what? They exchange love vows, and arrange to arrange for a wedding
What 3 uses does Friar Lawrence have for his herbs Potions, medicines, poisons
Who agrees to perform the wedding ceremony of Romeo and Juliet? Friar Lawrence
Why is Mercutio worried about Tybalt’s challenge to the Montagues? Tybalt is a good fighter, and Romeo is weakened by love
What excuse does Juliet use for going to Friar Lawrence’s cell? Confession
Who carries the message about wedding arrangements from Romeo to Juliet? Nurse
How does Romeo plan to enter Juliet’s house Rope ladder
What day of the week do Romeo and Juliet marry Monday