If music be the food of love, play on | Orsino at beginning of play listening to music as he thinks about olivia |
O, she that hath a heart of that fine frame to pay this debt of love but to a brother | Orsino to valentino when he receives the message that Olivia will mourn for 7 years |
Conceal me what i am, and be my aid for such disguise.. Thou shalt present me as an eunuch to him | Viola to sea captain regarding her disguise as orsinos servant |
Be you his eunuch and your mute ill be | Sea captain to viola agreeing to help with her disguise |
Besides that hes a fool, hea a great quarreler, and but that he hath the gift of a coward | Maria to sir Toby about sir andrew |
You mistake, knight; accost is front her, board her, woo her, assail her | Sir Toby to sir Andrew as he encourages him to introduce himself to Maria |
Methinks sometimes i have no more wit than a christian or an ordinary man has. But i am a greater eater of beef and i believe that does harm to my wit | sir Andrew to sir Toby and Maria discussing his forgetfulness |
I have unclasped to thee the book even of my secret soul | Orsino to cesario meaning he’s told all of his secrets and about his love for Olivia |
Whoe’er i woo, myself would be his wife | Viola/cesario in an asside saying she must woo Olivia for orsino but wishes to marry him herself |
By my troth, sir toby, you must come in earlier o’ nights: your cousin, my lady, takes great exceptions to your ill hours | Maria to sir Toby about his partying and drinking |
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit | Feste to Olivia as he proves her a fool for grieving too long over her brother |
He is very well-favored and he speaks very shrewishly; one would think his mothers milk were scarce out of him | Malvolio to Olivia regarding cesario who came to deliver orsinos message |
Excellently done, if God did all | Cesario to Olivia regarding how pretty she is when she removed her veil |
I cannot love him. Yet i suppose him virtuous, know him noble, of great estate, of fresh and stainless youth.. | Olivia to cesario when he brings orsinos message of love |
Quotes Twelfth Night act 1
July 21, 2019