desolate | spiritual ruin: loss of the soul |
laconic | using few words; concise |
sordidness | lacking in morals |
candid | sincere; straightforward |
bombast | pompous speech; pretentious words |
guileless | open the words; honest; outspoken |
perdition | having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hope |
subjugating | bringing under complete control; mastering |
discord | disagreement; difference of opinion |
homage | something done or given in acknowledgment or consideration of the worth of another |
forbear | to refrain or abstain form |
circumspection | caution; thoughtfulness |
facile | easy done or performed |
insolent | boldly rude or disrespectful |
beguile | to influence by trickery; to mislead |
alacrity | cheerful readiness or willingness |
consecrate | to make or declare scared |
defunct | no longer in effect or use |
wanton | deliberate and without motive or provocation |
baseness | morally low |
usurped | taken or used by forced or unlawfully |
sated | satisfied; full |
surfeited | indulged in excess |
paragon | model or example of excellence |
lechery | unrestrained indulgence of sexual desire |
propriety | proper behavior or manners |
peevish | annoyed; irritated |
impervious | incapable of being persuaded or affected |
entreated | ask earnestly; beg |
enmesh | entangle; catch in a net |
dilatory | tending to procrastinate; wasting time |
ruminate | think about; meditate on; ponder |
vehement | strongly emotional; intense or passionate |
castigation | severe scolding or verbal punishment |
amiable | friendly; good-natured |
lethargy | sluggishness; laziness |
fulsome | disgusting, repulsive |
pernicious | deadly; causing harm or ruin |
odious | deserving hatred; highly offensive |
traduce | speak maliciously and falsely about |
Othello unit vocabulary words and definition (40 words) all 5 act
July 21, 2019