Shrift | noun 1. Confession, especially to a priest sentence: Go to see a shrift this Sunday. 1.1 Absolution by a priest |
Importune | verb1. Ask (someone) pressingly and persistently for or to do something sentence: She importunes me to put the groceries away.1.1 Approach (someone) to offer one’s services as a prostitute |
Ruminate | verb1. Think deeply about somethingsentence: Together we sat ruminating about what love means to us. 2. (Of a ruminate) chew the cud |
Suborn | verb1. Bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury sentence: Joe suborned the witness to lie about the murder. |
Edify | verb1. Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectuallysentence: Professer Mullen edifies us on how to properly write an essay. |
Iniquity | noun 1. Immoral or gossly unfair behavior sentence: He figured out the inequity that was happening while he wasn’t home. |
Entreaty | noun 1. An earnest or humble requestsentence: The captain denied the request for the crews entreaties. |
Fulsome | adjective1. Complementary or flattering to an excessive degree sentence: They posted a fulsome amount of comments on her Instagram photo. 2. Of a large size or quantity; generous or abundant sentence: This year there was a fulsome amount of kale during the harvest. |
Mandate | noun1. An official order or commission to do somethingsentence: Gandhi fought for a mandate to try and bring India to independence. 2. The authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an election sentence: As leader of the U.S, Obama has the right to mandate what he pleases. verb1. Give (someone) authority to act in a certain way sentence: The general has the authority to mandate the solders to stay out for longer. 1.1 Require (something) to be done; make mandatory sentence:2. Assign (territory) under a mandate of the League of Nationssentence: We learned about the mandate that is the League of Nations in history this year. |
Bawdy | adjective1. Dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent sentence: noun1. Humorously indecent talk or writing sentence: |
Incontinent | adjective 1. Having no insufficient voluntary control over urination or defecation sentence: 2. Lacking self-restraint; uncontrolled sentence: The fans at the basketball game had no incontinent. |
Cozen | verb1. Trick or deceive sentence: My mom tells me not to cozen my brother. 1.1 Obtain by deception sentence: He was able to cozen more money for the fundraiser. |
Pernicious | adjective1. Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way sentence: The media has a pernicious effect on how girls view their bodies. |
Trifle | noun1. A thing of little value or importance sentence:1.1 A small amount of something sentence:2. A cold dessert of sponge cake and fruit covered with layers of custard, jelly and cream sentence: verb 1. (trifle with) Treat (someone or something) without seriousness or respect sentence:2. Talk or act frivolouslysentence:2.1 (trifle something away) Waste something, especially time, frivolouslysentence: |
Strumpet | noun1. A female prostitute or a promiscuous women sentence: |
Malign | adjective1. Evil in nature or effect; malevolent sentence: All the bones in her body were malign. 1.1 (Of a disease) malignant |
Traduce | verb 1. Speak badly of or tell lies about (something) so as to damage their reputation sentence: She traduced about her best friend in order to make her life miserable. |
Propriety | noun 1. The state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morales sentence:1.1 (properties) The details or rules of behavior conventionally considered to be correct sentence:1.2 The condition of being right, appropriate or fitting sentence: |
Choler | noun1. (In medieval science and medicine) one of the four bodily humors, identified with bile, believed to be associated with a peevish or irascible temperamentsentence: |
Dilatory | adjective1. Slow to act sentence: 1.1 Intended to cause delay sentence: |
Othello Act III, IV & V Vocabulary
September 1, 2019