Penitent | Feeling or expressing remote for misdeeds |
Boon | A desirable state |
Ruminate | Reflect deeply on a subject |
Surmise | A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence |
Recoil | Spring back; spring away from an impact |
Vehement | Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid |
Loathe | Find repugnant |
Conjure | Summon into action or bring into existence, Often as if by magic |
Trifle | A detailed that is considered insignificant |
Tranquil | Not agitated; without losing self possession |
Remorse | A feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed ) |
Bolster | Support and strengthen |
Imputation | A statement attributing something dishonest especially a criminal offense |
Vengeance | The act of taking revenge harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done especially in the next life |
Lewd | Suggested or tending to moral looseness |
Edify | Make understand |
Sequester | Keep away from others |
Castigation | Verbal punishment |
Suffice | Be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity |
Arraign | Accused of a wrong or an inadequency |
Penitent | Exceed 3 days in faith he’s_ |
Boon | Why this is not a_ |
Ruminate | As thou does _ & give thy worst of thoughts |
Surmise | To such exsufflicate and blown_ |
Recoil | Her will, _ to her better judgment |
Vehement | With any strong or_importunity |
Loathe | Must be to _her |
Conjure | For he_her she should ever keep it |
Trifle | _Light as air |
Tranquil | Farewell the_mind! Farewell content! |
Remorse | Never pray more; abandon all_ |
Bolster | If ever mortal eyes do see them_ |
Imputation | If_and strong circumstances |
Vengeance | Arise, black_, from thy hollow cell! |
Lewd | Damn her,_minx! |
Edify | Can you inquire him out, and be_by report? |
Sequester | A _From liberty, fasting, and prayer |
Castigation | Much_, exercise devout |
Suffice | Then for myself I dare: let that_you |
Arraign | _His kindness with my soul |
Othello act 3 vocab
July 30, 2019