Othello, Act 1 scene 2

“Attendants with torches” symbolic of bringing light to a situation
“hold it very stuff o’th’ conscience, To do contrived murder: I lack iniquity, Sometimes to do me service””Spoke such scurvy and provoking terms, Against your honour” iniquity meaning sinHyperbolic Here Iago completely deceives Othello and portrays himself as the opposite to his reality. Iago talks about being too virtuous to attack Roderigo for his vicious attacks on Othello although he wanted toFalse modestyPutting doubts in Othello’s mind about whom he can trust
“My services which I have done the signiory, Shall out-tongue his complaints.” the tone of superiority conveys Othello’s hubris – his flaw is exposed. it does suggest that Othello is not provoked by threats of violence – ironic as he is a soldier.
“I shall promulgate – I fetch my life and being from men of royal seige, and my demerits, May speak unbonneted to as proud a fortune that I have reached.” Declaration of self-confidence, Othello asserts his authority and importance, suggesting that this is in his blood as he has not come from humble beginnings. However, his assertion of this fact suggests that it is questionable or often not believed.
“I love thee gentle Desdemona””Put into circumscription and confine, For the sea’s worth.” Declaring his love, he has nothing to hide and this proves the innocence of their affairs. Furthermore, the fact that their relationship is priceless and knows no bounds shows the transcendent nature of it.
“But look, what lights come yond?” Here Othello suffers from failing eyesight even when it is made clear. This shows his fault for not being able to uncover the truth even in this situation it is Iago who reveals to Othello what is going on. He is reliant.
“You were best go in.””Not I, I must be found.” Shared iambic pentametre – connection but Othello is in control – does not succumb to Iago’s orders
“My parts, my title and my perfect soul, Shall manifest me rightly.” Believes in righteousness and fairness. Othello believes that his past work will reveal him for who he really is.
“By Janus” Janus is a Roman God with two faces, emblematic of Iago perhaps. Iago himself “two-faced” may mean by the God who sees what others can’t because it is dark.
“It is a business of some heat.””You have been hotly called for” Double time frame – the play is set at a very fast pace, there are two controversies going on that are important to the plot. The play on words of the noun heat is emblematic of cyprus, and the climate their adds much to the fast unravelling of events.
“He’s married.””To whom?””Marry to -“ Cassio and Iago dialogue lots of shred iambic pentameter, questions and dashes to express the secrecy and haste of the situation. The dash creates tension as they are interrupted by Othello the conversation stops as Iago does not want to be seen as untrustworthy.
“It is Brabantio; general, be advised, He comes to bad intent.” IRONICstarts to plant seeds of distrust – paints him as trustworthy
“Keep on your bright swords, for the devil will rust them.””You shall more command with years/ Than with your weapons.” Hyperbolic – Othello is a soldier bizarre he does not want to fight Patronising but also wise – shows Othello’s believed superiority
Brabantio speech
“O thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter?” epithet of “thief” repeated
“Dammed as thou art, thou hast enchanted her,””If she in chains of magic were not bound, whether a maid so tender, fair and happy,””Practiced on her with foul charms,/Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals/ That weakens motion:” Accuses Othello of being a devilImagery of enchantment Links to slavery and witchcraft Tricolon to emphasize her innocence and opposite willpower
“Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom/ Of such a thing as thou? to fear, not to delight.” Doesn’t even consider Othello a person – animalistic Racism “thing” – dehumanising not worthy of a human identity
“For an abuser of the world, a practiser/ Of arts inhibited and out of warrant.” Tricolon Othello is portrayed as a corrupter of Venice and a practicer of black magic. Also described as someone who does unlawful things
“Hold you hands” Othello responds to violence with peace conveys himself as civilised the opposite to what he is being accused of.Strong and powerful tone
“Bond-slaves and pagans shall our statesmen be.” Confident tone – he feels strongly about his right to be angryDouble meaning as Othello was one a slave reversal of social order