Iago – squadron | that never set a squadron in the field |
Iago – am | i am not what i am |
Roderigo – thick lips | what a full fortune does the thicklips owe |
Iago – thieves | what ho, Brabantio! thieves, thieves, thieves! |
Iago – ram | even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe! |
Iago – grandsire | or else the devil will make a grandsire of you |
Iago – horse | you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse |
Iago – beast | your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs |
Brabantio – trust, minds | fathers, from hence trust not your daughters’ minds/ by what you see them act |
Othello – gentle | but that i love the gentle Desdemona |
Othello – my | my parts, my title, my perfect soul |
Othello – bright swords | keep up your bright swords for the dew will rust/ them |
Brabantio – stowed | o thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter? |
Duke – employ, enemy | valiant Othello, we must straight employ you/ against the general enemy Ottoman |
Brabantio – stolen | (senator) dead?, (brabantio) ay, to me:/ she is abused, stolen from me and corrupted/ by spells and medicines |
Othello – married | that i have ta’en away this old mans daughter/ it is most true; true, i have married her. |
Othello – incline | this to hear/ would Desdemona seriously incline |
Othello – story | my story being done/ she gave me for my pains a world or sighs |
Othello – wished | she wished she has not heard it, she’s wished/ that heaven had made her such a man |
Desdemona – hitherto | i am hitherto your daughter. but here’s my/ husband: |
Duke – fair | your son-in-law is far more fair than black |
Othello – honest | my life upon her faith. honest Iago |
Iago – purse | thus do i ever make my fool my purse |
Iago – ‘twixt | and it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets/ he’s done my office |
Iago – abuse | after some time to abuse Othello’s ear/ that he is too familiar with his wife |
Iago – open nature | the Moor is of a free and open nature/ that thinks men honest |
Gentleman 3 – warlike | Michael Cassio/Lieutenant to the warlike Moor, Othello |
Cassio – captain | our great captains captain |
Iago – web | with as little a web as this will i ensnare as/ great a fly as Cassio |
Iago – clyster-pipes | your/ fingers to your lips? would they were clyster-pipes/ for your sake! |
Othello – warrior | O my fair warrior |
Desdemona – dear | my dear Othello |
Iago – music | but i’ll set down/ the pegs that make this music, as honest/ as i am |
Iago – fantastical | telling her fantastical lies |
Iago – eyes | her eyes must be fed |
Iago – sympathy | loveliness in flavour, sympathy in years, manners and beauties/ all which the Moor is defensive in. |
Iago – slipper | a slipper and subtle knave |
Iago – jealously, cure | i put the moor/ into a jealously so strong/ that judgement cannot cure |
Iago – thank | make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me |
Iago – hip | ill have our Micheal Cassio on the hip |
Othello – honesty | Iago is most honest |
Cassio – dislikes | ill do’t, but it dislikes me |
Iago – flustered | have i tonight flustered with flowing cups |
Roderigo? – reasons | i have no great devotion to the deed/ and yet he hath given me satisfying reasons |
Iago – janus | By Janus |
Iago – lieutenant | i pray you, after the lieutenant, go! |
Othello – turks | are we turned turks? |
Iago – speak | i cannot speak |
Iago – tongue | i had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth/than it should do offence to Michael Cassio |
Othello – honesty, love | i know, Iago,/ thy honesty and love doth mince this matter |
Othello – light | making it light to Cassio, Cassio, i love thee/ but never more be officer of mine |
Cassio – reputation | reputation, reputation, reputation! o, i have lost my reputation |
Cassio – parrot | drunk? and speak parrot? and/ squabble? swagger? swear? |
Iago – general | our/ generals wife is now the general |
Iago – play, villain | and what’s he then that says i play the villain?/ when this advice is free i give and honest |
Iago – hell | divinity of hell! / when devils will be the blackest sins put on |
Iago – net | and out of her goodnsss make the net/ that shall enmesh them all. |
Iago – ha | ha, i like not that |
Iago – think | i cannot think it/that he would steal away so guilty-like/seeing you coming |
Desdemona – a-wooing | what, Michael Cassio/that came a-wooing with you? |
Othello – wretch | excellent wretch! perdition catch my soul/ but i do love thee! and when i love thee not/ chaos is come again |
Othello – love me | if thou dost love me/show me thy thought |
Iago – green-eyed | O beware, my lord, of jealousy!/ is it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock/ the meat it feeds on |
Othello – goat | exchange me for a goat |
Othello – bound | i am bound to thee for ever |
Othello – doubtless | this honest creature doubtless/ sees and knows more – much more – than he unfolds |
Othello – haggard | if i do prove her haggard,/through that her jesses were my dear heart-strings |
Othello – gone | she’s gone, i am abused, and my relief/ must be to loathe her |
Iago – medicine | shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep/which thou owedst yesterday |
Othello – ***** | villain, be sure thou prove my love a ***** |
Othello – farewell | farewell the plumed troops and the big wars/ that makes the ambition virtue! |
Othello – begrimed | her name, that was as fresh/ as Dian’s visage is now begrimed and black/ as mine own face |
Othello – pieces | ill tear her to pieces! |
August 2, 2019