the jealous moor | othello |
‘there’s magic in the — of it’ | othello |
iago plots to murder | cassio |
personal item belonging to desdemona; othello thinks she gave it to cassio | hankerchielf |
iagos wife; desdemona’s servant | emilia |
othello has to — one person for a promotion; choose | … |
these, found in roderigo’s pockets, were evidence against iago | hankerchief |
othello’s — with iago keeps him from questioning iago’s loyalty | friendship |
“oh damned iago! oh inhuman—! | dog- roderigo |
droop | … |
partner to ‘that’ | … |
desdemona was killed in her bed— | othello |
cassio’s mistress | bianca |
‘menshould be what they —‘ | iago |
othello—-himself and dies | stabs |
emilia said desdemona was—- | innocent |
othello’s hertiage | moor |
—-, i myself. farewall’ | nobody – desdemona |
show gratitude | … |
singular past tense of ‘to have’ | … |
someone — letters that ended up in the roderigo’s pockets | … |
othello believes what he —‘ looks at | … |
play division | … |
iago’s motive | revenge |
he is love sick for desdemona | roderigo |
enemy | … |
‘so please your grace, my ancient, a man he is of — and trust…’ | honesty |
iago told lots of these | lies |
emilia to iago | wife |
starts | … |
othello’s wife | desdemona |
“—-“,—‘,’—”! Oh, i have lost my—-“ | reputation |
‘yet she must —, else shell betray more men’ | die |
‘for naught did i in —. but all in honor’ | hate |
iago’s actions —- his guilt | confessed |
a sudden breath due to shock | … |
iago lied and old othello cassio had a — in which he cried out to desdemona | … |
tells of the letters found in roderigo’s pockets | lodovico |
he was passed over for promotion | iago |
‘and out of her own goodness make the — that shall enmesh them all.’ | net |
othello to desdemona | husband |
brother of brabantio | gratiano |
coordinating conjunction | … |
becomes lord governor at the end of the play | cassio |
act divison | scene |
emilia’s — to iago proves stronger that her — to desdemona | loyalty |
‘so i will turn her — into pitch…’ | virtue |
motive for othello’s actions | jealousy |
desdemonas father | barbantio |
‘…’s plain face is never seen till used.’ | knvarery |
‘the moor…will as tenderly be led by the —- as asses are.’ | nose |
‘…you shall more command with — than your weapons.’ | years |
a ruler of a country | duke |
‘—on, my medicine, —!’ | work |
definite article | … |
‘i — not what i –‘ | am |
July 22, 2019