“He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion.” | Messenger |
“There are no faces truer than those that are so washed.” | Leonato |
“There is a king of merry war betwixt Signor Benedick and her. They never meet but there’s a skirmish of wit between them.” | Leonato |
“What, my dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?” | Benedick |
“I thank you. I am not of many words, but I thank you.” | Don John |
“That a woman conceived me, I thank her… I will not do them the wrong to mistrust any. I will do myself the right to trust none.” | Benedick |
“In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke.” | Don Pedro |
“I’d rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in his grace.” | Don John |
“I have decreed not to sing in my cage.” | Don John |
“Yes faith, it is my cousin’s duty to make curtsy and say ‘Father, as it please you.’ But yet for all that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else make another curtsy and say ‘Father, as it please me.'” | Beatrice |
“[W]ooing, wedding, and repenting is as a scotch jig…” | Beatrice |
“I would not marry her, though she were endowed with all that Adam had let him before he transgressed.” | Benedick |
“Marry, once before he won it off me with false dice.” | Beatrice |
“Yea, my lord. I thank it, poor fool, it keeps on the windy side of care.” | Beatrice |
“[T]here was a star danced, and under that was I born.” | Beatrice |
“I have known when there was no music with him but the drum and the fife, and now had he rather hear the tabor and the pipe.” | Benedick |
“[T]ill all graces be in one woman, one woman shall not come in my grace.” | Benedick |
“Now divine air! Now his soul is ravished. Is it not strange tat sheep’s guts should hale should out of man’s bodies.” | Benedick |
“Men were deceivers ever.” | Balthasar |
“No! The world must be peopled.” | Benedick |
“There’s a double meaning in that!” | Benedick |
“Contempt, farewell, and maiden pride, adieu.” | Beatrice |
“Gallants, I am not as I have been.” | Benedick |
“Even she: Leonato’s Hero, your Hero, every man’s Hero.” | Don John |
“Get you some of this distilled carduus benedictus and lay it to your heart.” | Margaret |
“Yet Benedick was such another, and now is he become a man.” | Margaret |
“She’s but the sign and semblance of her honor.” | Claudio |
“But fare thee well, most foul, most fair, Farewell.” | Claudio |
“Death is the fairest cover for her shame.” | Leonato |
“Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged.” | Benedick |
“I do love nothing in the world so well as you. Is that not strange?” | Benedick |
“O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the marketplace.” | Beatrice |
“But manhood is melted into curtsies, valor into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones, too.” | Beatrice |
“But masters, remember that I am an ass, though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass.” | Dogberry |
“For there was never yet philosopher/That could endure toothache patiently…” | Leonato |
“If thou kill’st me boy, thou shalt kill a man.” | Leonato |
“In a false quarrel there is no true valor.” | Benedick |
“You are a villain. I jest not…You have killed a sweet lady, and her death shall fall heavy on you.” | Benedick |
“My lord, for your many courtesies I thank you. I must discontinue your company.” | Benedick |
“[N]ow thy image doth appear/In the rare semblance that I loved it first.” | Claudio |
“Yet sinned I not/ but in mistaking.” | Claudio |
“Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably.” | Benedick |
“Serve God, love me, and mend.” | Benedick |
“Help us to sign and groan/Heavily,heavily.” | Claudio |
“I’ll hold my mind were she an Ethiope.” | Claudio |
“Tush, fear not, man. We’ll tip thy horns with gold.” | Claudio |
“A miracle! Here’s our own hands against our hearts.” | Benedick |
“Peace! I will stop your mouth.” | Benedick |
“For man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion.” | Benedick |
“Get thee a wife, get thee a wife.” | Benedick |
“Think not on him till tomorrow.” | Benedick |
“Strike up, pipers.” | Benedick |
Much Ado About Nothing Significant Quotes
July 22, 2019