Leonato: A kind overflow if kindness. There are no faces truer than those that are wash’d. How muhc better it is to weep at joy than to joy at weeping! | I pray you, is Signior Mauntano return’d from the wars for no? |
Messenger: O, he’s return’d, and as pleasant as he ever was. | He set up his bills here in Messina, and challeng’d Cupid at the flight, and my uncle’s fool, reading the challenge, subscrib’d for Cupid, and challeng’d him at the burbolt. I pray you, how many hath he kill’d and eaten in these wars? But how many hath he killed? For indeed I promised to eat all of his killing. |
Messenger: He hath done good service, lady, in these wars. | You had musty victual, and he hath holp to eat it. He is a very valiant trencherman, he hath an excellent stomach. |
Messenger: And a good soldier too, lady. | And a good soldier to a lady, but what is he to a lord? |
Messenger: A lord to a lord, a man to a man, stuff’ with all honorable virtues. | It is so indeed, he is no less than a stuff’ man. But for the stuffing – well, we are all mortal. |
Leonato: You must not, sir, mistake my niece. There is a kind of Merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her; they never meet but there’s a skirmish of wit between them. | Alas, he gets nothing by that. In our last conflict four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man govern’d by one; so that if he have wit enough to himself warm, let him beat it for a difference between himself and his horse, for it is all wealth that he hath left to be known a reasonable creature. Who is his companion now? He hath every month a new sworn brother. |
Messenger: Is’t possible? | Very easily possible. He wears his faith but a fashion of his hat: it never changes with the next block. |
Messenger: I see, lady, the gentleman is not in your books. | No, and he were, I would burn my study. But I pray you, who is his companion? Is there no young squarer now that will make a voyage with him to the devil? |
Messenger: He is most in the company of the right noble Claudio. | O Lord, he will hang upon him like a disease; he is sooner caught than the pestilence, and the the taker runs presently mad. God help the noble Claudio! If he have caught the Benedick, it will cost him a thousand pound ere ‘a be cur’d. |
Messenger: I will hold friend with you, lady. | Do, good friend. |
Leonato: You will never run mad, niece. | No, not till a hot January. |
Benedick: If Signior Leonato be her father, she would not have his head in her shoulders for all Messina, as like him as she is. | I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior Benedick, nobody marks you. |
Benedick: What, my dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living? | Is it possible disdain should die while he hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain, if you come in her presence. |
Benedick: Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am lov’d of all ladies, only you excepted; and I would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard heart, for truly I love none. | A dear happiness for women, they would else have been troubled with a pernicious suited. I thank God and my cold blood, I am of your humor for that: I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me. |
Benedick: God keep your ladyship still in mind! So some gentleman or other shall scape a predestinate scratch’d face. | Scratching could not make it worse, and ’twere such a face as yours were. |
Benedick: Well, you are a rare parrot-teacher. | A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours. |
Benedick: I would my horse had the speed of your tongue, and so good a continuer. But keep your way a God’s name, I have done. | You always end with a jade’s trick, I know you of old. |
Much Ado About Nothing-Beatrice
July 1, 2019