Midsummer Night’s Dream Vocab 1

“dowager” Part of speech Noun
“dowager” Definition A widow with a title or property derived from her late husband
“dowager” Quote Like to a step dame or a dowager
“dowager” Synonym Matriarch
“solemnities” Part of speech Noun
“solemnities” Definition The formal observing of an occasion or event
“solemnities” Quote Shall be hold the night of our solemnities
“solemnities” Synonym Ceremonies
“abjure” Part of speech Verb
“abjure” Definition To give up under oath
“abjure” Quote either to die the death or to abjure forever the society of men
“abjure” Synonym renounce
“livery” Part of speech Noun
“livery” Definition A certain garb or dress worn in an official capacity
“livery” Quote You can endure the livery of a nun
“livery” Synonym uniform
“austerity” Part of speech Noun
“austerity” Definition The quality or state of being severe or strict
“austerity” Quote For aye austerity and a single life
“austerity” Synonym Sterness
“edict” Part of speech Noun
“edict” Definition An official order or proclamation issued by an authority
“edict” Quote It stands an edict in destiny
“edict” Synonym decree
“cowslips” Part of speech Noun
“cowslips” Definition An english flower having fragrant yellow buds
“cowslips” Quote The cowslips tall, her pensioners be
“cowslips” Synonym primrose
“pensioners” Part of speech Noun
“pensioners” Definition The godly dressed body guards that served Queen Elizabeth
“pensioners” Quote The cowslips tall her pensioners be
“pensioners” Synonym guard
“changeling” Part of speech Noun
“changeling” Definition A child believed to have been secretly substituted by fairies for the parent’s real child in infancy
“changeling” Quote She never had so sweet a changeling
“changeling” Synonym tiddler
“wanton” Part of speech Noun
“wanton” Definition A woman with loose morals
“wanton” Quote Tarry, rash wanton. Am I not thy lord?
“wanton” Synonym promiscuous
“yoke” Part of speech Noun
“yoke” Definition A frame designed to fit around the necks of a team of oxen
“yoke” Quote The ox hath therefore stretched his yoke in vain
“yoke” Synonym harness
“chaplet” Part of speech Noun
“chaplet” Definition a circular piece of headwear generally made of natural items used for decoration
“chaplet” Quote An odorous chaplet of sweet summer buds
“chaplet” Synonym garland
“promontory” Part of speech Noun
“promontory” Definition A point of high land that juts out into a large body of water
“promontory” Quote Since once I sat upon a promontory and heard a mermaid on a dolphin’s back
“promontory” Synonym jette