We are now introduced to the enchanted realm of this play: the forest and the fairies that inhabit it. In the opening, Puck meets a fairy servant to the queen. They discuss a certain situation regarding King Oberon and Queen Titania. What are Oberon and Titania fighting about? | titania stole a boy from the indian king and oberon is jealous |
What kind of mischief does the Fairy claim Robin Goodfellow has caused? | he goes around scaring the maidens of the village, stealing milk, and causes horses to wonder aimlessly |
What sorts of tasks does Puck perform for the King? | tricks citizens and animals; he’s a jester |
Where does Titania say that Oberon has been? Who does she tease him about being in love with? | with another women, hippolyta (queen of the amazon) |
Who does Oberon say Titania is in love with? | theseus |
Who are Oberon and Titania fighting over? | the indian boy |
what is the story behind the flower that Oberon asks Puck to fetch him? What does Oberon intend to do with it? | flower was hit by cupid’s arrow. the flower now has powers. he will put it over titania’s eyes. he wants her to fall in love with a beast |
What does Oberon overhear in the wood? | helena and demetrius |
How does Demetrius treat Helena? How does she respond? | like dirt and he doesn’t care how he treats her |
What does Oberon tell Puck to do with the potion? | put the potion on demetrius (oberon feels sorry for helena) |
What does Oberon do to Titania as she lies sleeping? | put potion on her eyes |
What happens to Hermia and Lysander in the woods? What do they decide to do? What does Hermia insist upon? | they take a nap |
What does Puck assume about Hermia and Lysander? What does he do? | fighting put potion on lysander |
What happens when Helena comes across Lysander? | wakes him |
What does Helena think of Lysander’s behavior? What does Lysander swear as he runs after Helena? | thinks he is mocking her. he swears his loyalty to her |
Describe Hermia’s dream. Why is her dream important? | serpent ate her heart. this foreshadows that she’s going to have a broken heart |
midsummer night’s dream act 2
August 5, 2019