Our house is hell | Jessica expressing her hatred of living with her father Act 2, scene 3 |
Here you me Jessica, lock up my doors | Shylock care more about his possessions than Jessica, but he trusts her Act 2, scene 5 |
But though I am a daughter to his blood, I am not to his manners | Jessica isn’t a typical Jew unlike her father act 2, scene 3 |
What Jessica. What Jessica. Why Jessica I say | Repetition, Shylock is focussed on his daughter but they aren’t that close act 2 scene 5 |
Do as I bid you | Superior, he is her master act 2 scene 5 |
To gaze on Christian fools with varnish’d faces | Ironic as Shylock has no idea about Lorenzo act 2 scene 5 |
Jessica my girl | Father daughter relationship act 2 scene 5 |
I have a father, you a daughter lost | Sense of leaving him act 2 scene 5 |
Here catch this casket | Giving Lorenzo all her money act 2, scene 6 |
A gentle and no Jew | Gentile double meaning. Well brought up and not Jewish. Anti Semitic Gratiano act 2, scene 6 |
When I was with him, I have heard him swear to Tubal and Chus, his countrymen, that he would rather have Antonio’s flesh than twenty times the value of the sum | Extreme betrayal on Jessica’s part. Act 3, scene 2 |
Merchant of Venice quotes THE ELOPEMENT OF JESSICA
July 21, 2019