“You knew, none so well, none so well as you, of my daughter’s flight” – Lines 25-26 | Shylock |
“She is damned for it” – Lines 32 | Shylock |
“My own flesh and blood to rebel” – Lines 34 | Shylock |
“A bank-rout, a prodigal, who dare scarce show his head on the Rialto, a beggar that was used to come so smug upon the mart! – Lines 43-44 | Shylock |
“Let him look to his bond. He was wont to call me usurer; let him look to his bond. He was wont to lend money for a Christian cur’sy; let him look to his bond” – Lines 46-48 | Shylock |
“To bait fish withal; if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thrawted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies – and what’s his reason? I am a Jew.” – Lines 52 – 57 | Shylock |
“Hath not a Jew eyes. Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge . . .” – Lines 58-68 | Shylock |
“I often came where I did hear of her, but cannot find her” – Lines 82-83 | Tubal |
“Why there, there, there, there! A diamond gone cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfurt! The curse never fell upon our nation till now, I never felt it till now. two thousand ducats in that, and other precious, precious jewels!” – Lines 83-86 | Shylock |
“I would have my daughter dead at my foot and jewels in her ear; would she were hearsed at my foot and the ducats in her coffin” – Lines 87-90 | Shylock |
“- hath an argosy cast away coming from Tripolis” – Lines 100-101 | Tubal |
“Thou stick’st a dagger in me. I shall never see my gold again. Fourscore ducats at a sitting, fourscore ducats at a sitting, fourscore ducats!” – Lines 109-111 | Shylock |
“One of them showed me ring that he had of your daughter for a monkey” – Lines 117-118 | Tubal |
“Out upon her! Thou torturest me, Tubal. it was my turquoise! I had it of Leah when I was a bachelor. I would not have given it fore the wilderness of monkeys” – Lines 119-122 | Shylock |
“Bespeak him a fornight before. I will have the heart of him if he forfeit, for were he out of Venice I can make what merchandise I will” – lines 125-129 | Shylock |
“I pray you tarry, pause a day or two before you hazard, for in choosing wrong I lose your company; therefore forbear a while. There’s something tells me (but it is not love) I would not lose you, and you know yourself hate counsels not in such a quality. But lest you should not understand me well (And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought) I will detain you here for some month or two before you venture for me” – Lines 1-10 | Portia |
“One half of me is yours, the other half yours – mine own, I would say – but if mine, then yours, and so all your” – Lines 16-17 | Portia |
“Let Fortune go to hell for it, not I. I speak too long, but ’tis to peize the time, to eche it, and to draw it out in length, to stay you from election” – Lines 21-24 | Portia |
” . . . I live on the rack” – Lines 26 | Bassanio |
“None but that ugly treason of mistrust, which makes me fear th’ enjoying of my love. There may as well be amity and life ‘tween snow and fire, as treason and my love” – Lines 29-33 | Bassanio |
“Promise me life and I’ll confess the truth” – Line 35 | Bassanio |
“Well, then, confess and live” – Line 36 | Portia |
“‘Confess and love’ had been the very sum of my confession. O happy torment, when my torturer doth teach me answers for deliverance! But let me to my fortune and the caskets” – Lines 37-41 | Bassanio |
“Then if he lose he makes a swanlike end, fading in music. That the comparison may stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream and watr’y deathbed for him. He may win, and what is music then? Then music is even as the flourish when true subjects bow to a new-crowned monarch” – Lines 46-52 | Portia |
“Now he goes, with no less presence but with more love than young Alcides when he did redeem the virgin tribute paid by howling Troy to the sea-monster” – Lines 55-59 | Portia |
“I stand for sacrifice; the rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, the cleared visages, come forth to view the issue of th’ exploit. Go Hercules! Live thou, I live” – Lines 59-36 | Portia |
“Tell me where is fancy bred or in the heart, or in the head? How begot, how nourished? Reply, reply. It is engendered in the eye, with gazing fed, and fancy dies in the cradle where it lies. Let us all ring fancy’s knell. I’ll begin it. – Ding, dong, bell. Ding, dong, bell” – Lines 65-74 | Song sang as Bassanio chose his casket |
“The world is still deceived with ornament. In law, what pleas so tainted and corrupt but, being seasoned with a gracious voice, obscures the show of evil? In religion, what damned error but some sober brow will bless it and approve it with a text, hiding the grossness with fair ornament? There is no vice so simple but assumes some mark of virtue on his outward parts” – Lines 76-84 | Bassanio |
“The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars, who inward searched have liver white as milk, and these assume but valor’s excrement to render them rebouted” – Lines 87-90 | Bassanio |
“Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee. Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge ‘tween man and man” – Lines 105-107 | Bassanio |
“So are those crisped snaky golden locks, which maketh such wanton gambols with the wind upon supposed fairness, often known to be the dowry of a second head, the skull that bred them in the sepulcher” – Lines 94-98 | Bassanio |
“What demigod hath come so near creation? Move these eyes? Or whether, riding in motion? Here are severed lips parted with sugar breath; so sweet a bar should sunder such sweet friends. Here in her hairs the painter plays the spider, and hath woven a golden mesh t’ entrap the hearts of men faster than gnats in cobwebs. But her eyes! How could he see to do them?” – Lines 119-128 | Bassanio |
“More rich, that only to stand high in your account I might in virtues, beauties, living, friends, exceed account. But the full sum of me is sum of something, which, to term in gross, is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpracticed; happy in this, she is not yet so old but her may learn; happier than this, she is not bred so dull but she may learn; happiest of all, is that her gentle spirit commits itself to yours to be directed as from her lord, her governor, her king” – Lines 158-169 | Portia |
“But now I was the lord of this fair mansion, master of my servants Queen o’er myself; and even now, but now, this house, these servants, and this same myself are yours, my lord’s. I give them with this ring which, when you part from, lose, or give away, let it presage the ruin of your love, and be my vantage to exclaim on you” – Lines 171-188 | Portia |
“Only my blood speaks to you in my veins, and there is such confusion in m powers as after some oration fairly spoke by a beloved price there doth appear among the buzzing pleased multitude” – Lines 180-183 | Bassanio |
“It is now our time, that have stood by and seen our wishes prosper, to cry ‘Good joy, good joy, my lord and lady!'” – Lines 190-192 | Nerissa |
“You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid. You loved, I loved; for intermission no more pertains to me, my lord, than you” – Lines 202-204 | Gratiano |
“Our feast shall be much honored in your marriage” – Line 217 | Bassanio |
“We’ll play with them the first boy for a thousand ducats” – Lines 218-219 | Gratiano |
“We are the Jasons, we have won the Fleece” 250 | Gratiano |
“But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel?” – Line 223 | Gratiano |
“What, worse and worse . . . I am half yourself, and I must freely have half of anything that this same paper brings you” – Lines 257 – 260 | Portia |
“Rating myself nothing, you shall see how much I was a braggart. When I told you my state was nothing, I should then have told you that I was worse that nothing; for indeed I have engaged my friend to his mere enemy to feed my means” – Lines 268-274 | Bassanio |
“When I was with him, I have heard him swear to Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, that he would rather Antonio’s flesh than twenty times the value of the sum that he did owe him” – Lines 296-300 | Jessica |
“The ancient Roman honor more appears than any that draws breath in Italy” Lines 307-308 | Bassanio |
“First go with me to church and call me wife, and then awy to Venice to you friend!” – Lines 316-317 | Portia |
“O love, dispatch all business and begone!” – Line 335 | Portia |
“I’ll have my bond. I will not hear thee speak” – Line 13 | Shylock |
“I’ll follow him no more with bootless prayers. He seeks my life. His reason well I know: I oft delivered from his forfeitures many that have at times made moan to me. Therefore he hates me.” – Lines 21-26 | Antonio |
“The Duke cannot deny the course of law, for the commodity that strangers have with us in Venice, if it be denied, will much impeach the justice of the state, since that the trade and profit of the city” – Lines 29-33 | Antonio |
“Well, jailer, on. – Pray God Bassanio come to see me pay his debt, and then I care not” – Lines 38-39 | Antionio |
“You have a noble and a true conceit of godlike amity, which appears most strongly in bearing thus the absence of your lord” – Lines 2-4Lorenzo | Lorenzo |
“But if you knew to whom you show this honor, how true a gentleman you send relief, how dear a lover of my lord your husband, I know you would be prouder of the work than customary bounty can enforce you” – Lines 5-9 | Lorenzo |
“I never did repent for doing good, nor shall not now; for in companions that do converse and waste the time together, whose souls do bear an equal yoke of love, there must be needs a like proportion of lineaments, of manners, and of spirit; which makes me think that this Antonio, being the bosom lover of my lord, must needs be like my lord. If it be so, how little is the cost I have bestowed in purchasing the semblance of my soul from out the state of hellish cruelty!” – Lines | Portia |
“I commit into your hands the husbandry and manage of my house until my lord’s return. For mine own part, I have toward heaven breathed a secret vow to live in prayer and contemplation” – Lines 24-28 | Portia |
“… take this letter, and use thou all th’ endeavor of a man in speed to Padua. See thou render this into my cousin’s hands, Doctor Bellario” | Portia |
“Bring them, I pray thee, with imagined speed unto the traject to the common ferry which trades to Venice. Waste no time in words, but get thee gone. I shall be there before thee” | Portia |
“We will see our husbands before they think of us” | Portia |
“… they shall think we are accomplished with that we lack. I’ll hold thee any wager, when we are both accoutered like you men, I’ll prove the prettier fellow of the two, and wear my dagger with the braver grace, and speak between the change of man and boy with a reed voice, and turn two mincing steps into a manly stride, and speak of frays like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies how honorable ladies sought my love” | Portia |
“Why, shall we turn to men?” | Nerissa |
“But come, I’ll tell thee all my whole device when I am in my coach, which stays for us at the park gate; and therefore haste away, for we must measure twenty miles today” | Portia |
“Yes, truly, for look you, the sins of the father are to laid upon the children. Therefore I promise you I fear you. I was always plain with you and so now I speak my agitation of the matter. Therefore be o’ good cheer, for truly I think you are damned. There is but one hope in it that can do you any good, and that is but a kind bastard hope neither” | Lancelet |
“Truly, then, I fear you are damned both by father and mother; this when I shun Scylla you father, I fall into Charybdis your mother. Well, you are gone both ways” | Lancelet |
“I shall be sabed by my husband. He hath made me a Christian” | Jessica |
“Truly the more to blame he! We were Christians enow before, e’en as many as could well live one by another. This making of Christians will raise the price of hogs. If we grow all toe be pork eaters, we shall not shortly have a rasher on the coals for money” | Lancelet |
“I shall answer that better to the commonwealth than you cana the getting up of the Negro’s belly! The Moor is with child by you, Lancelet” | Lorenzo |
“I pray thee understand a plain man in his plain meaning: go to thy fellows, bid them cover the table, serve in the meat, and we will come in to dinner” | Lorenzo |
“How every fool can play upon the word! I think the best grace of wit will shortly turn into silence, and discourse grow commendable in none only but parrots. Go in, sirrah, bid them prepare for dinner” | Lorenzo |
“I am sorry for thee. Thou art come to answer a stony adversary, an inhuman wretch, uncapable of pity, void and empty from any dram of mercy | Duke |
“Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too, that thou but leadest this fashion of thy maline to the last hour of act, and then, ’tis thought, thou’lt show thy mercy and remorse more strange than is thy strange appearent cruelty; and where thou now enacts the penalty, whis is a pound of this poo merhchant’s flesh, thou wilt now loose the forfeiture, but, touched with humane gentleness and love forgive moi’ty of the principal glancing an eye of pity on his losses that have late so huddled onhis back” | Duke |
“You’ll ask me why I rather choose to have a weight of carrion flesh tjan to recieve three thousand ducats. I’ll not answer tha, but say it is my humor. It is answered?” | Shylock |
“Noq for you answer: as there is nor firm reason to be rendered why he cannot abide a gaping pig, why he a harmless necessary cat, why he a woolen bagpipe, but of force must yield to such inevitable shame as to offend, himslef being offended, so can I gove no reason, nor I will not, more than a lodge hate and a certain loathing I bear Antonio, that I follow thus a losing suit against him. Are you answered?” | Shlock |
“Do all men kill the things they do not love?” | Bassanio |
“Hates any man the thing he would kill?” | Shylock |
“What, wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice” | Shylock |
“Every offence is not a hate at first” | Bassanio |
“You may as well use question with the wolf go stand upon the beach and bid the main flood bate his ususal height’ you may as well use question with the wolf why he hath me the ewe bleat for the lamb; you may as well forbid the mountain pines to wag their high tops and to make nonoise when they fretten with the gusts of heaven; you may as well do anything most hard as seek to soften that then which what’s harder? – His Jewish heart” | Antonio |
“For thy three ducats here is six” | Bassanio |
“If every dicat in six thousand ducats were in six parts, and every part a ducat I would not draw the, I would have my bond” | Shylock |
“You cannot better be employed … than to live still and write mine epitaph” | Antonio |
“Why does thou whet thy knife so earnestly?” | Bassanio |
“To cut the forfeiture from the bankrout there” | Shylock |
“Thou almost mak’st me waver in my faith, to hold opinion with Pythagoras that souls of animals infuse themselves into the trunks of men” | Gratiano |
“I stand here for law” | Shylock |
“… I never knew so young a body with so old a head. I leave him to you gracious acceptance, whose trial shall better publish his commendation” | Duke reading letter; Doctor Bellario |
“The quality of mercy is not strianed. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath him that gives and him that takes. ‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown. His sceptor shws the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; it is an attribute to God Himself; and earthly power doth then show likest God’s when mercy seasons justice be thy plea, consider this: that in the course of justice none of us should see salvation. We do pray for mercy, and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy” | Portia |
“… twice the sum. If that will not suffice I will be bound to pay it ten times o’er of forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart” | Bassanio |
“A Daniel come to judgement! Yea, a Daniel. O wise young judge, how I honor thee!” | Shylock |
“Be merciful; take thrice thy money; bid me tear the bond” | Portia |
“This is no answer, thou unfeeling man, to excuse the current of thy cruelty” | Bassanio |
“To fo a great right, do a little wrong, and curb this cruel deveil of his will” | Bassanio |
“There is no power in Venice can alter a decree established; ’twill be recorded for a precedent and many effor by the same example will rush into the state. I cannot be” | Portia |
“Have by some surgeon, Shylock on your charge, to stop his wounds, lest he bleed to death” | Portia |
“Say how I loved you, speak me fair in death, and when the tale is told, bid her judge whether Bassanio had not once a love” | Antonio |
“I would lose all, ay sacrifice them all here to this devil, to deliver you” | Bassanio |
“Your wife would give you little thanks for that if she were by to hear you make the offer” | Portia |
“I would she were in heaven, so she could entreat some power to change this currish Jew” | Gratiano |
“would any of the stock of Barabbas had been her husband, rather than a Christian!” | Shylock |
“This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood. The words expressly are ‘a pound of flesh’ take then thy bond, tkae thou thy pound of flesh, but in the cutting it, if thou dost shed one drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods are by the laws of Venice confiscate unto the state of Venice” | Portia |
“Oh learned judge! – Mark, Jew, a learned judge! | Gratiano |
“I take this offer then. pay the bond trice and let the Christian go” | Shylock |
“Give me my principal and let me go” | Shylock |
“If it be proved against an alien that b direnct or indirect attempts he seek the life of any citizen, the party ‘gainst the which he doth contrive shall seize one half hid goods; the other half comes to the privy coffer of the state, and the offender’s life lies in the mercy of the duke only, ‘gainst all oter voice” | Portia |
“Nay, take my life and all. Pardon not that. You take my house when you do tkae the prop that doth sustain my house; you take my life when yu do take the means whereby I live” | Shylock |
“The other half in use, to render it upon his death into the gentleman that lately stole his daughter. Two things provided more: that for this favot he presently become a Christian: the other, that he do record a gift, here in the court, of all he dies possessed unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter” | Antonio |
“In christ’ning shalt thou have two godfathers. Had I been judge, thou shouldst have ten more, to bring thee to the gallows, not to the front” | Gratiano |
“Three ducats die unto the Jew we freely cope you courteous pain withal” | Bassanio |
“I pray you know me when we meet again. I wish you wll, and so I take my leave” | Portia |
“Give me your gloves; I’ll wear them for your sake – and for your love I’ll take this ring from you” | Portia |
“You taught me first to beg, and now methinks you teach me how a beggar should be answered” | Portia |
“Thou masst, I warrant! We shall have old swaerinf that theu did give the rings away to men; but we’ll outface them, and outswear them, too” | Portia |
“The moon shines bright. In such a night as this, when the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees and they did make no noise, in such a night Troilus, methinkd, mounted the Trojan walls and sighed his sould toward GRAecian tents where Cressid lay as night” | Lorenzo |
“Did Thisbe fearfully o’ertrip the dew and saw the lion’s shadow ere himself and ran dismayed away” | Jessica |
“Stood Dido with a willow in her hand upon the wild sea-banks, and waft her love to come again to Carthage” | Lorenzo |
“Medea gather the enchanted herbs that did renw old Aeson” | Jessica |
“Sola, sola! Wo ha, ho! Sola, sola!” | Lancelet |
“Within the house, you mistress is at hand, and bring your music forth into the air” | Lorenzo |
“How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank” | Lorenzo |
“Here will we sit and let the sounds of music creep in our ears; soft stillness and the night become the touches of sweet harmony” | Lorenzo |
“Come, ho! and wake Diana with a hymn” | Lorenzo |
“I am never merry when I hear sweet music” | Jessica |
“The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not movied with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils” | Lorenzo |
“Methinks is good, I see, without respect. Methinks it sounds much sweeter that by day” | Portia |
“The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark when neither is attended, and I think the nightengale, is she should sing by day when every goose is cackling, would be thought no better a musician than the wren” | Poria |
“Mow many things by season seasoned are to their right priase and true perfection!” | Portia |
“We should hold day with the Anitpodes if you would walk in absence of the sun” | Bassanio |
“By yonder moon I swear you do me wrong! In faith, I gave it to it the judge’s clerk. Woudl he were gelt that had it, for my part, sinc you do take it, love, so much at heart” | Gratiano |
“What talk you of the posy or the value? You swore to me when I did give it ou that you would wear it till your hour of death” | Nerissa |
“Why, I were best to cut my hand off and swear I lost the ring defending it” | Bassanio |
“I will ne’er come in your bed until I see the ring” | Portia |
“Sweet Portia, if you did know to whom I gave the ring” | Bassanio |
“This night methinks is but the daylight sick; It looks a ittle paler. ‘Tis a day such as the say is when the sun is hid” | Portia |
“Now by mine honor, which is yet mine own, I’ll have that doctor for my bedfellow” | Portia |
“I am the th’ unhappy subject of these quarrels” | Antonio |
“Well, do you sol Let not me take him, the, for if I do, I’ll mar the young clerk’s pen” | Gratiano |
“I once did lend my body for his wealth which but for him that had your husband’s ring” | Antonio |
“… for by this ring, the doctor lay with me” | Portia |
“… that same scrubbed boy, the doctor’s clerk, in lieu of this, last night did lie with me” | Nerissa |
“What, are we cickolds ere we have deserved it?” | Gratiano |
“Theere you shall find that your argosies are richly come to harbor sudddenly” | Portia |
“Sweet doctor, you shall be my bedfellow. When I am absent, then lie with my wife” | Bassanio |
“There do I give you and Jessica, from the rich Jew, a special deed of gift. After his death, f all he dies possessed of” | Nerissa |
“Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way of starved people” | Lorenzo |
“Well, while I live, I’ll fear no other thing so sore as keeping safe Nerissa’s ring” | Gratiano |
Forgive moity of the the principal | Duke |
“Merchant of Venice” Part II Quotes
July 11, 2019