Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 2 KEY QUOTATIONS

let fortune go to hell for it (portia) – metaphor- personification of fortune- use of hell links to how Jessica describes Shylock’s home- idea of religion, sin etc.
so may the outward shows be least themselves:the world is still deceived with ornament + upon supposed fairness (bassanio) – metaphor- idea of facade- link to Prince of Arragon- fairness brings in racial imagery and questions whether skin colour represents a fair personality
a maiden hath no tongue but thought (portia) – metaphor- point for how women are presented (accepts that they have thoughts and ideas, but will not be allowed to voice them)- link to body parts imagery
‘confess and love’ had been the very sum of my confession: o happy torment, when my torturer doth teach me answers for deliverance! (bassanio) – play on words of ‘confess and live’ (phrase was said to traitors on the rack, as an alternative to dying with their secrets)- continues torture imagery (represents love and time)- idea of redemption (deliverance) and religion- o happy torment – juxtoposition
my eye shall be the stream and watery death-bed for him – metaphor- water imagery -> link to venice- foreshadowing?- eye imagery