Merchant of Venice

By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world. Portia (she is tired of all the stress from the constant flow of crappy suitors)
God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man. Portia (French suitor, Monsieur le Bon – he’s a suitor, but he isn’t anything special)
He is a proper man’s picture, but alas, who can converse with a dumb show? Portia (English suitor, Falconbridge – he’s good looking, but he only speaks English so she can’t talk to him)
When he is best, he is little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast Portia (German suitor, the Duke of Saxon’s nephew – he’s a drunk who is a terrible person even when he’s sober)
I will do anything…ere be married to a sponge Portia (she’d do anything rather than marry the German guy bc he’s a drunk)
Mark you this, Bassanio: the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. Antonio (referring to Shylock’s use of scripture to defend his practice of interest)
I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so. Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil, didst rob it of some taste of tediousness. Jessica (telling Lancelot how she’s sad to see him go bc she hates their house but he took some of the pain out of living there)
But yet I’ll go in hate, to feed upon the prodigal Christian. Shylock (he doesn’t want to go to the dinner party, but he will just to spite Antonio)
What’s here? The portrait of a blinking idiot… Prince of Aragon (finds this in the silver box after he picks it)
The ancient saying is no heresy: hanging and wiving goes by destiny. Nerissa (she’s trying to comfort Portia by saying destiny chooses everything anyway)
I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys. Shylock (Jessica traded his wife’s ring for a monkey, and this upset him bc of sentimental value)
So many the outward shows be lest themselves; the world is still deceived with ornament. Bassanio (says this as his reasoning for choosing the lead casket – basically you can’t judge a book by its cover)
…an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpracticed; happy in this, she is not yet so old, but she may learn… Portia (she isn’t experienced in anything, but she is young and is willing to learn with Bassanio)
When I was with him, I have heard him swear…that he would rather have Antonio’s flesh than twenty times the value of the sum. Jessica (when she lived with her father she heard him say he’d rather have Antonio dead than get all the money offered)
What judgement shall I dread, doing no wrong? Shylock (why should he be judged when he hasn’t done anything wrong? basically trying to defend his reasoning for defending the bond)
Then must the Jew be merciful. Portia (Shylock should show mercy to Antonio bc the bond is unreasonable)
O upright judge! Mark, Jew. O learned judge! Bassanio (thanking Portia for pointing out Shylock’s bond was unreasonable)
Such harmony is in immortal souls, but whilst this muddy venture of decay doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it. Lorenzo (immortal souls live in harmony that people trapped in bodies on earth can’t observe)
Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my sober house. Shylock (when asking Jessica to lock up – don’t let the sounds of foolish partiers into the house)
I am never merry when I hear sweet music. Jessica (she’s not in a playful mood when she hears beautiful music)
comedy a light form of drama with a happy ending; aims primarily to amuse
universal characteristics of comedy presence of lovers; defeat of the imposter figure and his assimilation into the resorted social system; child triumphing over parent; violence without painful consequence
slapstick physical humor; people falling, getting hit, etc.
parody work that deliberately mimics the style of another for comical affect through ridicule
spoof a lighter comedy imitation of a work; the work isnt meant to be ridiculed, but just recognized as the work being spoofed; less specific events
irony occurs when something goes against understood expectations
sarcasm verbal irony
farce using exaggeration and extreme characters in a situation that spirals out of control to achieve comedy
dark comedy when a light humor is applied to a very serious topic to juxtapose humor and sadness
surrealism throwing together random concepts and ideas together to create something bizarre; often visual
low comedy appeals to humor; visual and obvious; lacks seriousness and has little/no intellectual appeal
high comedy appeals to wit and intellect; commonly appears in satire where humor and criticism is combined
MOV published sometime between 1596-1598