Macbeth Vocabulary

Entreat (Part of Speech) Verb
Entreat (Definition) Ask someone to earnestly of anxiously to do something
Entreat (Antonym) Allow
Prate (Part of Speech) Verb
Prate (Definition) Talk foolishly or tediously about something
Prate (Antonym) Deprecate
Surfeited (Part of Speech) Verb
Surfeited (Definition) Cause (someone) to desire no more of something as a result of having consumed or done it in excess.
Surfeited (Antonym) Deprive
Multitudinous (Part of Speech) Adjective
Multitudinous (Definition) Very numerous
Multitudinous (Antonym) Scarce
Lechery (Part of Speech) Noun
Lechery (Definition) Excessive or offensive amounts of sexual desire; lustfulness
Lechery (Antonym) Prudery
Marshal (Part of Speech) Verb
Marshal (Definition) arrange or assemble (a group of people) in order
Marshal (Antonym) Disorganize
Knell (Part of Speech) Noun
Knell (Definition) The sound of a bell, especially when run solemnly for a death or funeral
Sentinel (Part of Speech) NOun
Sentinel (Definition) A soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch
Largess (Part of Speech) Noun
Largess (Definition) Money or gifts given generously
Largess (Antonym) Compensation
Augment (Part of Speech) Verb
Augment (Definition) Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase
Augment (Antonym) Decrease, remove
Verities (Part of Speech) Noun
Verities (Definition) Truths, things that are true
Verities (Antonym) Falsehoods
Twain (Part of Speech) Noun
Twain (Definition) Two
Parricide (Part of Speech) Noun
Parricide (Definition) The act of killing one’s father, mother, or other close relative
Unlineal (Part of Speech) Adjective
Unlineal (Definition) Not being in the direct line as a descendant or ancestor
Unlineal (Antonym) Lineal
Clepe (Part of Speech) Verb
Clepe (Definition) To call or name
Sundry (Part of Speech) Adjective
Sundry (Definition) Various or diverse
Sundry (Antonym) Similar
Rancor (Part of Speech) Noun
Rancor (Definition) Bitter, rankling resentment or ill will, hatred, malice
Rancor (Antonym) Benevolence
Jocund (Part of Speech) Adjective
Jocund (Definition) Cheerful, joyous, glad, merry
Jocund (Antonym) Depressed
Vizard (Part of Speech) Noun
Vizard (Definition) A mask or visor
Chuck (Part of Speech) Noun
Chuck (Definition) Chick, a term of endearment
Dispatch (Part of Speech) Verb
Dispatch (Definition) To put to death; kill
Cribbed (Part of Speech) Adjective
Cribbed (Definition) Confined as if in a crib
Nonpareil (Part of Speech) Noun
Nonpareil (Definition) A person or thing with no equal
Nonpareil (Antonym) Ordinary
Mischance (Part of Speech) Noun
Mischance (Definition) A mishap of misfortune
Weal (Part of Speech) Adjective
Weal (Definition) Prosperity; happiness
Speculation (Part of Speech) Noun
Speculation (Definition) The contemplation or consideration of some subject
Folly (Part of Speech) Noun
Folly (Definition) The state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding or sense
Infirmity (Part of Speech) Noun
Infirmity (Definition) A physical weakness or ailment
Augure (Part of Speech) Noun
Augure (Definition) The art or practice of an augur; divination
Tedious (Part of Speech) Adjective
Tedious (Definition) Wordy so as to couse weariness or boredom, as a speaker or writer
Equivocate (Part of Speech) Verb
Equivocate (Definition) To use ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid commitment or in order to mislead
Equivocate (Antonym) Confront
Carousing (Part of Speech) Verb
Carousing (Definition) To engage in drunken revel
Carousing (Antonym) Grieve
Lament (Part of Speech) Verb
Lament (Definition) To feel or express sorrow or regret for
Lament (Antonym) To be happy, celebrate
Anoint (Part of Speech) Verb
Anoint (Definition) To smear with any liquid; to dedicate to the service of God
Anoint (Antonym) Curse
Countenance (Part of Speech) Verb
Countenance (Definition) To permit or tolerate
Countenance (Antonym) Reject
Benison (Part of Speech) Noun
Benison (Definition) The form of blessing pronounced by an officiating minister, as at the close of divine service
Benison (Antonym) Condemnation
Predominant (Part of Speech) Adjective
Predominant (Definition) Having superiority in power, influence, etc, over others
Predominant (Antonym) Subserviant
Suborn (Part of Speech) Verb
Suborn (Definition) To bribe or induce (someone) unlawfully or secretly to perform some misdeed or to commit a crime
Suborn (Antonym) Repulse
Sovereignty (Part of Speech) Noun
Sovereignty (Definition) Supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community
Sovereignty (Antonym) Lawlassness
Scruple (Part of Speech) Noun
Scruple (Definition) a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions
Scruple (Antonym) Calmness
Hurly-burly (Part of Speech) Noun
Hurly-burly (Definition) noisy disorder or confusion
Recompense (Part of Speech) Verb
Recompense (Definition) To repay for service
Gallowglasses (Part of Speech) Noun
Gallowglasses (Definition) a heavily armed mercenary soldier, originally Hebridean, maintained by Irish Celtic chiefs
Compunction (Part of Speech) Noun
Compunction (Definition) A feeling of remorse or guilt
Wassail (Part of Speech) noun
Wassail (Definition) a salutation wishing health to a person, used in England in early times when presenting a cup of drink or when drinking to the person
Direful (Part of Speech) Noun
Direful (Definition) Dreadful; awful; terrible
Warder (Part of Speech) Noun
Warder (Definition) a person who guards something
Harbinger (Part of Speech) Noun
Harbinger (Definition) a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach; herald
Soliciting (Part of Speech) Verb
Soliciting (Definition) To seek for (something) by entreaty, earnest, or respectful request, formal application, etc
Wanton (Part of Speech) Adjective
Wanton (Definition) Done, shown, used, etc, maliciously or unjustifiably
Valiant (Part of Speech) adjective
Valiant (Definition) Possessing or showing courage or determination
Valiant (Antonym) Cowardly
Delinquent (Part of Speech) adjective
Delinquent (Definition) Showing or characterized by a tendency to commit crime, particularly minor crime
Delinquent (Antonym) Well-behaved
Cauldron (Part of Speech) Noun
Cauldron (Definition) A large metal pot with a lid and handle
Farrow (Part of Speech) Noun
Farrow (Definition) a litter of pigs
Pernicious (Part of Speech) adjective
Pernicious (Definition) Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way
Pernicious (Antonym) Beneficial
Diminutive (Part of Speech) Adjective
Diminutive (Definition) Extremely or unusually small
Diminutive (Antonym) Enormous
Laudable (Part of Speech) Adjective
Laudable (Definition) Deserving praise and commendation
Laudable (Antonym) Shameful
Vanquish (Part of Speech) Verb
Vanquish (Definition) To defeat throughly
Conjure (Part of Speech) Verb
Conjure (Definition) To make something appear unexpectedly or seemingly out of nowhere
Antic (Part of Speech) Adjective
Antic (Definition) Grotesque, bizarre
Antic (Antonym) Ordinary
Epicures (part of speech) Noun
Epicures (Definition) A person who cultivates a refined taste, especially in food and wine; connoisseur
Epicures (Antonym) Ascetic
Taint (Part of Speech) Noun
Taint (Definition) A trace of something bad or harmful
Taint (Antonym) Cleanliness
Fain (Part of Speech) Adjective
Fain (Definition) Content; willing
Skirr (Part of Speech) Verb
Skirr (Definition) To go rapidly; fly; scurry
Skirr (Antonym) Face, land, walk
Bough (Part of Speech) Noun
Bough (Definition) A branch of a tree, especially one of the larger or main branches
Hew (Part of Speech) Verb
Hew (Definition) To strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument; chop; hack
Abhorred (Part of Speech) Verb
Abhorred (Definition) To regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe; abominate
Abhorred (Antonym) Admire, love, cherish
Lily-Livered (Part of Speech) Adjective
Lily-Livered (Definition) Weak or lacking in courage; cowardly
Lily-Livered (Antonym) Brave
Tarry (Part of Speech) Verb
Tarry (Definition) To remain or stay, as in a place; sojourn
Tarry (Antonym) Advance
Bruit (Part of Speech) Verb
Bruit (Definition) To voice abroad; rumor
Bruit (Antonym) Collect, conceal
Dolor (Part of Speech) Noun
Dolor (Definition) Sorrow; greif
Dolor (Antonym) elation
Transpose (Part of Speech) Verb
Transpose (Definition) To change the relative position, order, or sequence of
Avaricious (Part of Speech) Adjective
Avaricious (Definition) Greedy; desire to gain and hoard something, often wealth
Abjure (Part of Speech) Verb
Abjure (Definition) To renounce upon oath; to reject solemnly; to abstain from
Abjure (Antonym) Adhere
Assay (Part of Speech) Verb
Assay (Definition) Archaic; examination for characteristics
Perturbation (Part of Speech) Noun
Perturbation IDefinition) A disturbance of motion, course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium; being alarmed
Perturbation (Antonym) Unconcern
Mar (Part of Speech) Verb
Mar (Definition) To detract form the perfection or wholeness of
Mar (Antonym) Mend
Mortify (Part of Speech) Verb
Mortify (Definition) To cause someone to feel very embarrassed and foolish
Guise (Part of Speech) Noun
Guise (Definition) One of several or many different ways in which something is seen, experienced, or produced; a way of seeming or looking that is not true or real
Hoodwink (Part of Speech) Verb
Hoodwink (Definition) To deceive or trick
Hoodwink (Antonym) Undeceive