Macbeth Reading Guide Act 1

witches Act 1, Scene 1: In this very first scene, the audience meets the _.
thunder, lightning Act 1, Scene 1: The weather conditions are _ and _.
battle, heath, Macbeth Act 1, Scene 1: They decide to meet after the _ upon the _, and they will meet with _.
fair, foul Act 1, Scene 1: When the witches end their meeting, they say in unison together: “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,/ Hover through the fog and filthy air”. This statement means that they don’t like things that are _ but they like things that are _.
sergeant, battle, audience Act 1, Scene 2: The bloody man that arrives at the camp is the _ in battle w/ Banquo and Macbeth. His purpose is to recount what has happened in the _ (the _ does this also).
King, Macbeth Act 1, Scene 2, Line 8: What does he report? The sergeant gives an account of what’s going on in the battle to the _, telling him how brave _ was.
Macdonwald, head Act 1, Scene 2: The deed that the sergeant reports Macbeth performed so bravely was Macbeth cutting his enemy from battle, _, open from his belly-button to his chin, and then chopping his _ off.
Duncan, cousin, gentleman Act 1, Scene 2: In response, King _ refers to Macbeth as: 1. O’ valiant _ (relative) 2. Worthy _
Scotland, troops Act 1, Scene 2: What made the Norweyan lord (Norwegian king) think he had an advantage, and what did he do to use that advantage? There was a civil war going on in _, and he decided to bring his _ and try to take advantage.
Cawdor, Macdonwald, Norway, traitor Act 1, Scene 2: Rosse calls the Thane of _ “the most disloyal traitor”, and he assisted the rebel, _, and the King of _ (which made him a _). The Thane of Cawdor was also in cahoots w/ Macdonwald.
executed, Macbeth Act 1, Scene 2: After receiving Rosse’s report, King Duncan instructs, “No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive/Our bosom interest. Go pronounce his present death, / And with his former title greet Macbeth”. This means that the King is going to order for the Thane of Cawdor to be _ and he also orders the Thane’s land to go to _.
witches, weather Act 1, Scene 3: This scene begins with the _, and the _ conditions are thunder and lighting again.
sailor’s, chestnuts, husband Act 1, Scene 3: In lines 4-9, 1. witch tells the others that a _ wife (who is a witch)wouldn’t share _ w/ her, and as a result, she was going to put a curse on the witch’s sailor’s _.
wind, directions, ship Act 1, Scene 3: They offer to give her a _ to come from different _ to make the bark of the _ in order to help her (in the lines that follow)
vindictive, payback Act 1, Scene 3: All of this says that the three witches are _(evil). They believe in _.
battle, nasty, heath Act 1, Scene 3: When Macbeth makes his first appearance in the play, he says, “So foul and fair a day I have not seen”. This paradox (contradictory statement) might actually be true b/c Macbeth wanted _ and a _ day, and the witches turned out to be on the _ (the day was nice, but the witches were there, turning the nice day to a nasty day).
Glamis, hail, be Act 1, Scene 3: When the Witches greet Macbeth in lines 48-50, the only 1 of the 3 titles by which they greet him that seems correct to Macbeth is the Thane of _. The Witches prophesy to Macbeth that he will _ the King of Cawdor and he will _ the King of Cawdor.
Banquo, Macbeth, happy, kings Act 1, Scene 3:,The Witches prophesy to _ 3 things: 1. Lesser than _, and greater 2. Not so much _, but happier 3. Thou shalt get _, though thou be none.
disappear Act 1, Scene 3: When Macbeth questions the Witches further, they _ into thin air.
borrowed, Angus, Cawdor, execute, traitor Act 1, Scene 3: In line 109, Macbeth asks why Rosse and Angus are dressing him in _ robes, and _ responds that the Thane of _ got _ b/c he was a _.
Thane, died Act 1, Scene 4: Duncan asks his son Malcolm what has become of the Thane of Cawdor, to which Malcolm explains that the _ has been executed and _ no more nobly than he lives, “No thing in his life became him like the leaving it. He died as one that had been studied in his death, to throw away the dearest thing he ow’d, as ‘were were a careless trifle”.
Cawdor, trust Act 1, Scene 4: Hearing this, Duncan expresses regret by saying that he trusted _, he built a _ in him.
Cumberland, obstacle, Duncan, King, son, Prince Act 1, Scene 4: In lines 36-39 Duncan announces Malcolm, his son, will be named the next and his heir to the throne (he will be the Prince of _). This is an _ to Macbeth. I am confused b/c earlier on _ was praising Macbeth, saying how he is going to become _ someday soon, but now he went off-topic and changed the subject to his _, Malcolm, and now he is in line to become the _ of Cumberland.
Macbeth’s Act 1, Scene 4: Duncan then announces that he will be traveling to Enverness to build a stronger bond. Enverness is _ castle.
aside, action, matters, pique Act 1, Scene 4: In an _ (when Macbeth is thinking to himself, away from the others), Macbeth says that he has to take _ and take _ into his own hands in lines 48-53 to _ (excite) our curiosity.
Macbeth, prophesies, true, Thanes Act 1, Scene 5: This scene opens with Lady Macbeth reading a message from _ and about the witches _, or predictions, and how one came _ (he became the _ of Cawdor and Glamis)
death, portends, Duncan Act 1, Scene 5: Lady Macbeth might mean when she says, “The raven himself is hoarse / That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan / under my battlements”; her choice of words may symbolize _. “Fatal” _ (foreshadows) the death of King _.
immoral, ambitious Act 1, Scene 5: The impression that the reader gets from Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy (lines 35-31) is that she is savage-like, her choice of words are _, and she is very evil and _.
killing, action, countenance, show Act 1, Scene 5: The plan that Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth about is that they will take care of _ King Duncan that night and to leave it to her (the _). Also, she told Macbeth to put on a friendly _ and _ to the King so he doesn’t suspect anything suspicious or wrong.
King Duncan’s, Older, Younger _ _ sons: Malcolm: _ sonDonalbain: _ son
Dramatic irony: Definition When the reader knows something that the characters don’t.
compliments, mannerly, diamond, hostess, gracious Act 1, Scene 6: Duncan is a polite and pleasant guest when he arrives at Macbeth’s castle. Some examples are when he _ his host/hostess (Macbeth/Lady Macbeth), when he behaves in a _ fashion, and when he brings a _ for Lady Macbeth (he brings a _ gift to Macbeth’s castle; he is very _).
Duncan Act 1, Scene 7: In Macbeth’s soliloquy (lines 1-27) he starts by saying “If if we’re done, when ”’tis done, then ’twere well/ It we’re done quickly”. He is referring to the murder of _.
bad Act 1, Scene 7: Also in that soliloquy, the words that illustrate _ things to come are assassination, consequence, blow, be-all, end-all, bloody instructions, plague, poison’d chalice, murtherer, shut the door, knife, damnation, taking-off, horrid deed, tears, drown, falls
soliloquy when a character says his/her thoughts out loud (usually to an audience)
title, kill, King, plan Act 1, Scene 7: In line 32, Macbeth says “He hath honor’d me of late,” (King Duncan has bestowed a _ on Macbeth and says good things about him, but ironically Macbeth is going to _ him; Macbeth is questioning himself about murdering the _). These words indicate that Macbeth is having second thoughts about the _ for Duncan.
coward, humiliate Act 1, Scene 7: In lines 48-59, Lady Macbeth says that Macbeth is a _, “And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man” in order to _ her husband.
worried, consequences, Duncan, brains Act 1, Scene 7: Macbeth’s response shows that he is _ about facing the _ from Lady Macbeth if he was not able to kill _. Lady Macbeth earlier said that if he didn’t kill him, she would smash their child’s _ out.
aggressive, suitable Act 1, Scene 7: Macbeth says to his wife “Bring forth men-children only!” because her _ nature is _ to males.
aggressive, words, personality Act 1, Scene 7: At this point in the play, Lady Macbeth seems the more _ of the two Macbeths b/c her choice of _ and _ are villainous and evil.
motif “Foul”= _