Macbeth | Thane of Glamis, and then thane of Cawdor, also a commander of Duncan’s army |
Lady Macbeth | Macbeth’s wife who was ambitious for power |
Banquo | Macbeth’s friend who was also a commander of Duncan’s army |
Fleance | Banquo’s son |
Malcolm | Duncan’s oldest son and successor to throne after Duncan, ran away to England |
Donalbain | Duncan’s youngest son who ran away to Ireland |
Macduff | Thane of Fife |
Lady Macduff | Macduff’s wife |
King Duncan | former king of Scotland |
Hecate | Goddess of the witches who continued with their plan to have Macbeth dead |
The Three Witches | The Weïrd Sisters who represented the three fates in Greek mythologyThree fates:1st: What was: Thane of Glamis 2nd: What is: Thane of Cawdor3rd: What will: King Hereafter |
Young Siward | Siward’s son who died fighting Macbeth |
Siward | English commander who helped Malcolm to his throne of Scotland |
The Three Murderers | helped Macbeth kill Banquo, Lady Macduff and her son(s) (Macduff’s whole family) |
Lennox | Scottish noble who “went through the gates of hell” when he entered Macbeth’s house after Duncan was killed |
Ross | Scottish noble who told Macbeth and Banquo that Macbeth became Thane of Cawdor |
Porter | the drunk man who let Macduff and Lennox go “through the gates of hell,” the atmosphere created after Duncan died |
Macbeth Main Characters
July 15, 2019