Macbeth Act V

Who is gossiping about Lady Macbeth and watching her actions? Doctor and Gentlewoman
What is it that the Gentlewoman says she sees Lady Macbeth doing? Sleepwalking
True of False: when the doctor asks what Lady Macbeth says in her sleep, the Gentlewoman refuses to tell True. She says the doctor has to watch for himself because it’s stuff she should no hear
What does Lady Macbeth enter with? A candle (her eyes are open, but she is alseep)
What does Lady Macbeth begin to do after entering? puts the candle down and begins to rub her hands
What is Lady Macbeth imagining she is washing off and why? She thinks she is washing off blood because her conscience is getting to her
“Out, damned spot! Out, I say!’ Lady Macbeth
Who is Lady Macbeth imagining she is talking to? Macbeth about Macduff
What is the irony in Lady Macbeth now? She has gained conscience that Macbeth has lost
“Fie my lord” Lady Macbeth, saying how they killed Duncan
“The Thane of Fife had a wife” Lady Macbeth. Reveals more bout the crimes they did
“Will these hands ne’er be clean” Lady Macbeth. Also said by Macbeth earlier
“Banquo’s buried. He cannot com out on’s grave” Lady Macbeth
What does Lady Macbeth reveal as she’s washing her hands? How they killed Duncan, Macduff’s family, Banquo
What transformation do we see in Lady Macbeth? Huge transformation, we see strong to weak from guilt
“More needs she the divine than the physician” Doctor. I can cure her physically, but not mentally
Who plans on attacking Scotland and where? Malcolm, Lennox, Ross, Angus, Caithness, at Birnam Woods
True or false: Macbeth knows people are attacking True
True or false: Macbeth prepares for battle true
Why does Macbeth go into battle with confidence? He trusts that the second and third apparitions are false
What does the servant tell Macbeth? 10,000 men English force is coming
Seyton Macbeth’s armorer (helps him put on armor)
True or false: Macbeth realizes that he will most likely die true, he is being realistic
“I’ll fight, till my bones my flesh be hacked. Give me my armor” Macbeth, goes back to being brave Macbeth
How does Macbeth think of Lady Macbeth, the doctor’s patient? She is an afterthought, put to the backburner. Macbeth thinks only of himself
What does Macbeth want the doctor to do? Heal Lady Macbeth who is having nightmares
“Let every soldier hew him down a bough and bear i’t before him” Malcolm. Says to get a branch and camouflage yourself, fulfills the apparition predictions
What marks Lady Macbeth’s death and how does she die? Women’s screams, suicide
What happens when Seyton tells Macbeth that Lady Macbeth is dead? Women scream, Macbeth reflects on his life
“She should have died hereafter” Macbeth, says she would’ve died anyway
How does Macbeth see tomorrow as? Another step towards death
What is Macbeth’s mini Soliloquy about? He realizes he is most likely going to die and he is in trouble
“Out, out, brief candle!” Macbeth. Metaphor for life. Life is short, so quick it’s like an hour, and life is meaningless.
What type of person is Macbeth? Pessimist fatalist
What does Macbeth hear about the woods? the woods are moving! The one prediction that he didn’t believe is coming true
“I ‘gin to be aweary of the sun, and wish the estate of the world were now undone” Macbeth. Feels tired, wants death. “At least we’ll die with harness on our back”
What is happening in Scene IV Malcolm, Siward, and Macduff are chatting
Where is Macbeth in Scene VII? A field
Young Siward Siward’s son (savage, but dies)
which warning is the only warning left? the C-Section prediction
Why is Macbeth confident after killing Young Siward? He’s confident because he knows he can kill all women born
Who does Macduff look for? Macbeth
What happens in Scene VIII? Showdown
“Of all men else I have avoided thee. But got thee back! My soul is too much charged with blood of thine already” Macbeth. Seems remorseful
When does Macbeth show remorse? When he tells Macduff he doesn’t want to fight
What does Macduff say to Macbeth? He’s a C-Section, Macbeth knows he’s dead if they fight
“I’ll not fight with thee” Macbeth. Being a coward.
What does Macduff tell Macbeth he should do if he won’t fight? surrender (put on a pole)
“Lady on, Macduff; and damned be him that first cries ‘Hold, enough!'” Macbeth. fight to the death
Who kills Macbeth? Macduff
Who tells Siward that his son is dead? Ross. Siward is content doe bc Young Siward died what he wanted to do, fight as a soldier
Who is the rightful heir to the throne? Malcolm
What does Malcolm promote everyone who helped him to? earls
“My thanes and kinsman henceforth be earls” Malcolm
“By self and violent hands took off her life” Malcolm. Lady Macbeth has killed herself”
Where does Malcolm invite everyone? Scone
“Invite to see us crowned at Scone” Malcolm
What does Malcolm tell everyone? 1. they are all promoted to earls2. Lady Macbeth killed herself3. They are all invited to Scone to see him crowned