Cauldron | A large kettle or broiler |
Pernicious | Causing insidious harm or ruin |
Diminutive | Extremely small in size |
Appease | To bring to a state of peace |
Avaricious | Greedy; covetous |
Interdiction | To forbid; prohibit |
Integrity | Adherence to a strict moral code |
Witch 2 says, “By the pricking of my thumb, Something wicked this way comes.” Who comes? | Macbeth |
What is Macbeth’s attitude towards the witches this time? | Demanding, hostile |
What four things did the witches show Macbeth? What does each show/say? What is Macbeth’s reaction? | 1.) An armed head (represents war, beware Macduff)2.) A bloody child (not harmed by anyone of a woman)3.)A crowned child with a tree in its hand(won’t die until a forest comes to Dunsinane, thinks he’ll never die)4.) 8 Kings in a line with Banquo’s ghost following(Banquo saying his son is next)Reaction: He is very spooked! |
Macbeth says (about the witches), “Infected be the air whereon they ride, And damned all those that trust them!” What is Macbeth, in effect, saying about himself? | He’s admitting that he’s cursed because he believes the witches |
Where is Macduff? | England |
Why does Macbeth have Macduff’s family and servants killed? | So there is no way to retaliate or avenge him. |
Why does Lady Macduff’s son say liars and swearers are fools? | There are more liars and swearers than the Honest Men, so they could revolt! |
Malcolm says, “Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace, Yet grace must still look so.” What does that mean? | There’s still good people out there, but the best are gone. (Duncan) |
Macduff says, “Oh, Scotland, Scotland!” Why? | His love for Scotland is really strong and he can’t believe that there’s no hope left for Scotland. |
What news does Ross bring to Macduff? | That his entire family and servants/staff are dead. |
Macbeth Act IV
July 10, 2019