Macbeth Act 5

A great peturbation of nature … this slumbery agitation. Act 5 Scene 1. Doctor, referring to Lady Macbeth’s sleep-walking.
Yet here’s a spot … Out, damned spot! Out, I say! … What will these hands ne’er be clean? Act 5 Scene 1. Lady Macbeth, trying to wash her hands free of guilt.
Hell is murky. Act 5 Scene 1. Lady Macbeth perhaps believes she is living in hell on earth.
Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? Act 5 Scene 1. Lady Macbeth’s comment on the excessive blood of Duncan.
All the sweet perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand! Oh! oh! oh! Act 5 Scene 1. Lady Macbeth’s cannot rid herself of the smell of Duncan’s metaphorical blood.
Foul whisp’rings are abroad. Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles. Act 5 Scene 1. The doctor infers that rumours are spreading. In essence, perhaps violence breeds violence?
Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish thief. Act 5 Scene 2. Angus uses the imagery of clothing to show Macbeth’s to have wrongly taken his position as King.
Bring me no more reports; let them fly all. Act 5 Scene 3. Macbeth foolishly wishes for no news on the enemy – he believes that he cannot be touched, after the witches’ prophesy.
That which should accompany old age, As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have. Act 5 Scene 3. Macbeth acknowledges that he will not be blessed with the normal happiness of old age.
I’ll fight, till from my bones my flesh be hack’d. Act 5 Scene 3. We see the return of the soldier in Macbeth – as he was in the beginning.
I have almost forgot the taste of fears … I have supp’d full of horrors. Act 5 Scene 5. Macbeth’s crimes have made him fearless.
She should have died hereafter: there would have been a time for such a word. Act 5 Scene 5. Macbeth’s only griefless reaction to Lady Macbeth’s death shows the nature in which their marriage has deteriorated.
Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow … signifying nothing. Act 5 Scene 5. Macbeth expresses his belief in the meaningless of life.
I ‘gin to be aweary of the sun. Act 5 Scene 5. Macbeth is becoming tired of life.
At least we’ll die with harness on our backs. Act 5 Scene 5. Macbeth is comforted in the knowledge that he will die in battle.
They have tied me to a stake: I cannot fly, but, bear-like, I must fight the course. Act 5 Scene 7. Macbeth knows that he is trapped in a no-win situation, but must fight until the death.
Hell-hound, tyrant. Act 5 Scene 8. Macduff’s abusive descriptions of Macbeth.
Macduff was fron his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d. Act 5 Scene 8. Macduff proves himself to be the man worthy of killing Macbeth.
Hail, King! for so thou art. Act 5 Scene 9. Macduff proclaims Malcolm King.
The time is free. Act 5 Scene 9. Macduff acknowledges the liberation of the country from Macbeth.
What’s more to do, which would be planted newly with the time. Act 5 Scene 9. Malcolm’s use of language of fertility, fecundity mirrors Duncan at the start – cyclical nature of the play?
This dead butcher, and his fiend-like Queen. Act 5 Scene 9. Malcolm’s description of Macbeth and his wife.