What does Banquo think about the witches prophecies? | Since thy have come true for Macbeth, they may yet come true for him as well (he also alludes to the fact that Macbeth may have had a hand in bringing about the outcome of the prophecies when he says “play’dst most foully for it” in line 3. FOUL PLAY) |
Why does Macbeth want Banquo and Fleance dead? | He knows they suspect him of oful play, and he is furioue that he has done all of the work of becoming king, and banquos descendants will benefit from it rather than his. |
Macbeth says he will be alone until the feast. what does he really do during this time? | meets with the two murderers. |
How does Macbeth convince the murderers to help him? | Plays on their sense of manhood (not unlike how lady Macbeth did to Macbeth in ACT 1), tells them that Banquo is their enemy and if they want to be men, they will do something about him, says he’d do it himself but he doesn’t want to upset their mutual friends. |
What is Macbeth’s plan for killin Banquo and Fleance? does it work? | He gets two convicted murderers to wait along the road to ambush them. The murderers kill banquo, but fleance escapes. |
Macbeth says ” the worm thats fled hath nature that in time will venom breed, no teeth for the present” what does that mean? | Fleance will be a problem in the future because of her children becoming kings, but for now macbeth can let him go and deal with other things because fleance is not an immediate threat to him. |
Who (what) did Macbeth see at the banquet table? | He saw Banquos ghost. |
How does Lady Macbeth cover for Macbeth at the Banquet? what excuses does she give for his wild talk? | She tellsthe guests that he often has these fits, that those who know him well have learned to ignore them. when macbeth really gets out of hand she sends him to his room. |
Who else was missing from the Banquet table? | Macduff is missing. |
Macbeth says “I am in blood stepped in so far that should i wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er” what does this mean? | There is no going back he is in too deep. macbeth has commited a course of action and whtever terrible things he will do in the future. |
Why does Hecate “look angerly” upon the other witches? | They did not include her in the plan to bring down Macbeth. |
What does Hecate want the witches to do? | She wants the witches to give macbeth some visions that will give him false impressions of his personal safety and the safety of his rule, so he will continue on his path of destruction. |
What does Lennox think about Macbeth, Fleance, and Duncan’s sons? | Literally he thinks Macbeth is the good guy, Fleance killed Banquo, and Duncans sons killed him. |
Ironically lennox calls Macbeth what to show his real attitude toward him? | a tyrant |
at the end of act three what seems to be coming to Scotland? | war Macbeth vs Malcom. |
Macbeth ACT 3
July 10, 2019