Summons | N = an authoritative commandV = to command with authority |
Repose | N = rest, relaxationV = to rest, relax |
Largess | (N) YThe generous giving of gifts; generosity |
Augment | V = to add to, to enlarge, to increaseN = the action of adding to, enlarging, increasing |
Allegiance | (N) loyalty, as a citizen pledges to a nation, or a subject to a ruler |
Palpable | Able to be touched, real, corporal(impalpable = not able to be touched)V= to examine by touch |
Marshal | (Vt) To lead, to direct |
Stealthy | ADJ = quietly sneakyN = sneaky quietude, silent sneakiness |
Appall | V = to shock and horrify (to make pale)ADJ = shocking, horrifying |
Lament/lamenting | N = a vocal expression of deep grief or sorrowV = to grieve, to express grief vocally |
Combustion | N = the action or process of burning; a violent burning reaction like an explosionV= to burn, to explode in flame |
Parley | N = a discussion or conferenceV = to meet and discuss, confer |
Renown | (N) Fame, widespread repute |
Temperate | (Adj)characterized by self-restraint and moderation |
Divulge | V = to reveal (as in a secret)N = the act of divulging |
Malice | N = the desire to inflict injury or harm on othersADJ = characterized by malice |
Consort | V = to associate or keep company withN = one who keeps company with |
Predominance | N = the state of having power, authority and influence over others, sovereignty ADJ = characterized by predominance, sovereign |
Pretense | N = a false showV = to fake, to make believeN pretension = the act of giving a false appearance or superiorityADJ = arrogant, pretending to be better than others |
Sentinel | (N) A guard |
Surfeit | (Vt) To satisfy with food |
Macbeth Act 2 Vocabulary List
August 4, 2019