Equivocate | VerbDefinition: to use ambiguous language to conceal the truthSynonym: Evade, EludeAntonym: Blunt, Honest |
Heath | NounDefinition: An area of open wasteland over-grown with heather, low, shrubs, etc.Synonym: Grassland, Meath |
Valor | NounDefinition: Great courage in the face of danger.Synonym: Bravery, FearlessnessAntonym: Fear |
Corporal | AdjectiveDefinition: of or relating to the human body.Synonym: Somatic, CarnalAntonym: Mental |
Chastise | VerbDefinition: to punish, scold severlySynonym: Beat, TrainAntonym: Comfort |
Dwindle | VerbDefinition: to make of become less until little remainsSynonym: Lessen, BelittleAntonym: Increase |
Impede | VerbDefinition: to hinder or obstructSynonym: Block, deterAntonym: Enforce |
Buttress | NounDefinition: A projecting structure built against a wall for supportSynonym: Column, mainstayAntonym: Hinder |
Husbandry | NounDefinition: Thrift, economy; the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock.Synonym: Conservation, EconomyAntonym: Spending |
Largess | NounDefinition: Gift of moneySynonym: Aid, CharityAntonym: |
Surfeited | AdjectiveDefinition: Overfed, exceeding, to over-indulgeSynonym: Overflow, satisfyAntonym: Lack |
Trifle | NounDefinition: Something of little importance or valueAntonym: Important |
Appall | VerbDefinition: To horrify, shockSynonym: Scare, alarmAntonym: Comfort |
Sacrilegious | AdjectiveDefinition: Violating something sacredSynonym: Sinful, obsceneAntonym: Moral |
Undivulged | AdjectiveDefinition: Not revealedSynonym: Concealed, hiddenAntonym: Expressed |
Predominance | NounDefinition: Superiority in effectiveness, degree, qualitySynonym: Supremacy, authorityAntonym: Weakness |
Predecessor | NounDefinition: A person who comes before with a position of officeAntonym: Successor |
Apparation | NounDefinition: A ghostly figureSynonym: Haunting, lifelessAntonym: Lively |
Palpable | AdjectiveDefinition: Capable of being touched or felt; tangibleSynonym: Apparent, certainAntonym: Unknown |
Lechery | NounDefinition: Lewd or vulgar behavior7Synonym: Lust, Carnality |
Macbeth Act 1&2 Vocabulary
August 1, 2019