What does “fair is foul, and foul is fair” mean | Good things can do bad and bad things can do good |
Who is duncan and how is he related to malcolm and donalbain | King of scotland; dad of malcolm and donalbain |
What did macbeth do while in battle | He cuts open Macdowald and puts his head on their battlements; praised for this |
What prophecy do the witches give macbeth | They call him the thane of glamis, thane of cawdor, and the soon king |
What prophecy do the witches give banquo | he will never be a king but his kids will |
What happened to the former thane of cawdor | He was killed because he confronted his crimes |
Why is duncan upset about the thane of cawdor and his betrayal | He was a gentlemen whom he trusted |
Why is macbeth upset that malcolm is made prince of cumberland | Malcolm now stands between him and the crown; he wanted to be crowned prince |
What does macbeth mean when he says “that is a step on which I must fall down, or else o’ erleap” | He must either give up the throne to malcolm or he must prevent malcolm from returning and claiming the throne |
What does lady macbeth mean by “yet do i fear thy nature. It is too full o the milk of human kindness. To catch nearest way” | She fears that macbeth is too good to seize the thrown by murder |
What does lady macbeth mean by asking the spirits to “unsex” her | She believes she must become more manly in order to have no compassion in her ambitions |
How does king duncan describe the castle; why is this ironic | It has a pleasant location and welcomes his gentle senses; ironic because macbeth intends to kill him |
What does “to be all and to end all” mean | Macbeth cant just murder the king because there will be lasting consequences; either becomes king (to be all) or be killed (to end all) |
What does “i have no spur to prick the sides of my intenet but only vaulting ambition, which o erleaps itself and falls on the other” | Macbeth has no desire to murder, he is only doing it because he’s being ambitious |
What is the plan for murdering king duncan | They will get the servants drunk and steal their swords and then kill duncan in his sleep |
What does macbeth mean when he says “false face must hide what the false heart doth know” | He’s portraying he’s innocent although he knows he guilty; he’ll put on a false face and act if everything is normal |
Macbeth act 1 quiz review
July 11, 2019