What is the central theme of Act 1 of the tradegy of macbeth | Betrayal |
Based upon the information in Act 1 of the tradegy of macbeth, what can you infer about king duncan | He places a high value on bravery and loyalty |
What important role do the witches play in Act 1 of the tragedy of macbeth | They foreshadow events |
What do stage directions give the readers | Information about what is taking place on the stage |
Which would be true if you were watching a play at the globe theatre back in Shakespeare’s day | The illusions of time and space would come from the words of the play |
In Act 1 , why does lady macbeth think macbeth has a poor chance of achieving power | He is not ruthless enough |
What way is lady Macbeth stronger than her husband | She stands firm when Macbeth begins to waver in his deadly purpose |
What appears to be Macbeth’s character flaw | Desire for power |
Which of the following best describes Macbeth’s feelings about the possible assassination of king duncan | Tortured ambivalence |
Macbeth’s plans and actions seem to be motivated most all of by | His wife’s encouragement |
What is the central idea of Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II? | A murderer must live with his conscince |
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II, Scene ii, Lady Macbeth’s purpose in drugging the servants is | so they will sleep through King Duncan’s murder |
For which of the following reasons did Shakespeare probably choose to write The Tragedy ofMacbeth in blank verse | to create an efect of natural speech |
Which of the following characterizes the line from The Tragedy of Macbeth “This night’s greatbusiness into my dispatch” as blank verse? | It has ten syllables with the stress falling on every second |
Which of the following symbols in The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II, Scene ii, signals that themurder has been accomplished? | the owl’s scream and the crickets’ cries |
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II, Macbeth declares he will “sleep no more” because he believes | his conscience will never let him rest. |
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II, what does Macbeth really mean when he indicates that theblood on his hands will redden all the seas | It is a comment on his profound guilt |
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II, when Lady Macbeth says “My hands are of your color, but Ishame / To wear a heart so white” she means that | her hands are red with King Duncan’s blood, but, unlike her husband, she is not afraid. |
Why do you suppose Shakespeare made Banquo the last person Macbeth sees before hemurders King Duncan in The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II? | Banquo, who is loyal to the king, represents Macbeth’s last chance to do what is right and call of his murderous plan |
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II, what reason does Lady Macbeth give for not killing KingDuncan herself | She says the king looked like her father as he slept. |
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, to persuade the two murderers to agree to kill Banquo,Macbeth tells them | that Banquo has been the cause of all their misery |
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Scene ii, what is the connotation of the word scorpions in thisline? O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife | horrors |
Act III of The Tragedy of Macbeth serves mainly to | expose Macbeth’s mounting trouble |
what is the cause of Macbeth’s irrational behavior at thebanquet? | his guilty conscience |
When Macbeth says to Lady Macbeth in The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Scene iv, “We are yetbut young in deed,” he means that they are | new to the ways of crime |
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, Act III, Macbeth’s guilt causing him to imagine he sees Banquo’sghost at the banquet is an example of | internal conflict |
how has Macbeth changed since the beginningof the play? | He is now quick to use treachery to suit his ends |
why does Macbeth send along a third murderer to join thefirst two in killing Banquo? | Macbeth has become terribly suspicious and trusts no one; he sends the third murderer to make certain the job gets done |
when Lady Macbeth claims “Nought’s had, all’s spent, / Where our desire is got without content . . .” she means that | she and Macbeth have risked everything but have gained no happiness because they are living in fear. |
Macbeth is glad that Banquo will not be returning tothe palace until nightfall because | Macbeth wants Banquo killed under cover of darkness |
When Act III of The Tragedy of MacBeth begins, Banquo says that he knows | Macbeth killed Duncan |
when Macbeth says “Upon my head they placed a fruitlesscrown / And put a barren scepter in my gripe . . .” he means | he has no male heir. |
In The Tragedy of Macbeth which of the following is an external conflict | Macbeth wants Banquo dead, so he hires men to murder him. |
In The Tragedy of MacBeth, why does Macbeth fear Banquo? | Banquo is loyal to the true king |
Unrhymed iambic pentameter is also called | blank verse |
major purpose of Act IV of The Tragedy of Macbeth is to foreshadow events related | Macbeth’s downfall |
In Act IV of The Tragedy of Macbeth when the witch says, “Something wicked this way comes,”you know that | even the witches now consider Macbeth evil |
After visiting the witches in Act IV of The Tragedy of Macbeth, why does Macbeth initially changehis mind and decide not to have Macduf kill | He knows Macduf has led to England |
Which of the following best describes how Shakespeare portrays Macduf’s son in Act IV of TheTragedy of Macbeth? | questioning and courageous |
Which of the following lines spoken by Malcolm in Act IV of The Tragedy of Macbeth bestconveys how he really feels about Scotlland | “. . . It weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash / Is added to her wound |
The end of Act IV of The Tragedy of Macbeth foreshadows an important conlict between | Macbeth and Macduff |
In Elizabethan theater, ____ was especially important because there were no elaborate specialefects, lighting, or set | imagery |
In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act IV, Macbeth visits the witches because he thinks that | their evil doings can help him maintain power |
What is imagery? | language that writers use to re-create sensory experience |
One of the images that runs throughout The Tragedy of Macbeth is that of | blood |
August 8, 2019