
Nobleman who discovers Duncan’s murder; he decides not to attend Macbeth’s coronation and flees Scotland, returning later to avenge his family Macduff
English King who was a descendent of Banquo James
Extreme exaggeration Hyperbole
Thane executed for his disloyalty to King Duncan; Macbeth is then given his title Macdonwald
A play on the meanings of words Pun
The climax of Shakespearean tragedies occurs in act Three
Scottish nobleman who announces the beginning of the rebellion against Macbeth and reports the fate of Macduff’s family Ross
Country to which Malcolm flees to England
Macbeth’s original title Thane of Glamis
Attends the banquet Banquo’s ghost
A forest Birnam
A man not born of woman Macduff
Prince of cumberland, Duncan’s oldest son Malcolm
Appears before Duncan’s murder The dagger
Site of Duncan’s murder Inverness
Seen by Lady Macbeth in the last act A bloodstain
At war with Scotland at the beginning of the play Norway
Apparition 1:What is it?Whats its message?How does this prove to be true? -A soldiers head-To beware of Macduff- Macduff killed Macduff
Appartion 2:What is it?Whats its message?How does this prove to be true? -A bloody child -The power of man, for none of woman born shall harm him-The apparition is saying the Macduff can’t harm Macbeth because he isn’t born from a woman, but he is ” Tell thee Macduff was from his Mother’s womb untimely ripped.”
Apparition 3:What is it?Whats its message?How does this prove to be true? -A crowned child with a tree in his hand-Macbeth won’t be defeated until Great Birnam wood come to High Dunsinain Hill-When the soldiers are attacking Macbeth they chop down trees from Great Birnam wood to disguise their numbers as they siege Macbeth’s castle, which is Dunsinain Hill
Macbeth, along with Banquo, meet the witches once again in Act IV False
The witches refuse to make any more predictions False
Macbeth starts making new plans without consulting his wife True
Malcolm delivers the news to Macduff that his family has been murdered False
No one sees Lady Macbeth sleepwalking False
Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking is caused by her guilty conscience True
Lady Macbeth warns Lady Macduff that danger is coming False
The King of England has allied with Duncan’s son True
Malcolm’s troops use trees boughs for camouflage and they move to attack Macbeth True
Macbeth has no fear of the upcoming battle because of what the witches’ apparitions have told him False
Lady Macbeth is killed by Malcolm’s soldiers False
Siward kills Macbeth False
What or who do the witches’ words “Something wicked this way comes” refer to? Macbeth
Lady Macduff dies because her husband is Cowardly
What is the “damned spot” to which Lady Macbeth refers? The blood on her hands
What is the meaning of the following part of the quotation (after the dashed line) “All the perfumes of Arabia will not———- sweeten this hand” Nothing can make the guilt of being part of Duncan’s murder go away
When he is alive, how does Duncan think of Macbeth? Duncan respects, honors and likes Macbeth while he is alive
The true reason for taking Duncan’s life “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but inly vaulting ambition.”
After Duncan was killed who should have become king? Malcolm
Macbeth shows that he has changed because -He has misgivings about a second murder-He does not consult Lady Macbeth about Banquo’s murder-He displays uncontrollable, irrational emotions in public
Why is Fleance’s escape a turning point in the play? Because Fleance was also supposed to be killed, because if his dad got killed then he is next in line to be king, but Macbeth needed him dead also, so he could become king. Also Macbeth said Banquo will father a line of kings at the beginning o the play.
In addition to ambition, what other traits could be considered one of Macbeth’s tragic flaws? Excessive pride/arrogance
Why does Malcolm pretend that he is too evil to become king in order to Test Macduff’s loyalty
When Macduff ask about his family, he is told by his visitor that “they are well at peace” when he last saw them. To which literary device is this statement most closely related? Pun
In his “Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow” speech, what did Macbeth reveal about his opinion of life? He revealed that life is worthless now that Lady Macbeth is dead
How did Macbeth die? Macbeth dies when Macduff cuts Macbeth’s head off at the end of the play
My hands are of your color; but I shame to wear a heart so white… a little water clears us of this deed how easy is it, then! -Lady Macbeth says it -It is significant because she said it to Macbeth that he won’t feel guilty and his crime can be washed away easily, which is not actually the case
Despair thy charm, and let the angel who thou still hast served tell thee, Macduff was from his Mother’s womb untimely ripped -Macduff says it-It is significant because it fulfills the witches prophecy “no man born of woman will harm you.”
Dagger speech -Macbeth says it-It significant because it is showing how he is uncertain about killing Duncan
Fair is foul and foul is fair:Hover through the fog and filthy air -The three witches say it-It is significant because the quotation is paradox
Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty! -Lady Macbeth says it -It signifies how she is trying to be brave in order to kill Duncan
Events in order -Macbeth and Banquo meet the three witches and hear their prophecies -Macbeth is made Thane of Cawdor -Duncan arrives at Inverness and comments that it’s a lovely spot -Duncan is murdered-Macbeth is crowned king at Scone -Banquo is murdered and Fleance escapes -Banquo’s ghost appears at the banquet-Lady Macbeth claims that Macbeth has an illness that makes him momentarily crazy -The witches show the three apparitions -Lady Macbeth walks in her sleep-Birnam wood moves-Death of Macbeth
There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face: he was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust. Duncan says it
Thou hast it now, King, Cawdor, Glamis, all, as the Weird Women promised; and, I fear, thou plaid’s most foully for it. Banquo says it
Nay, had I power, I should pour the sweet milk of concord into Hell, uproar the universal peace, confound all unity on earth. Malcolm said it as part of the test
His flight was madness: when our actions do not, our fears do make us traitors. Lady Macduff
Here’s the smell of blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Lady Macbeth says it, because the blood represents guilt and any sweet thing cannot get rid of it
The the liars and swearers are fools, for there are liars and swearers enough to beat the honest men, and hang up them. Macduff’s son says it
Had he his hurts before?…Why then, God’s soldier be he! Siward says it upon hearing of his sons death
Neptune’s ocean speech Macbeth says it because blood represents guilt and no matter whether the blood isn’t on his hands, he will always feel guilty for killing Duncan
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. One of the witches says it because she notices Macbeth, the wicked is coming
Tyrant, show thy face: if thou best slain, and with no stroke of mine, my wife and children’s ghosts will haunt me still. Macduff says it because he kills Macbeth to avenge to his family
Allegory The direct representation of ideas through characters in a story
Allusion A cultural reference to an outside literally work, historical event, etc
Ambiguity The quality of being open to more than one interpretation
Apostrophe The act of speaking to a character who is not currently onstage
Aside A part of an actor’s lines supposedly not heard by others on the stage and intended only for the audience
Blank Verse Unrhymed iambic pentameter
Couplet A pair of lines of meter in poetry comprised of two lines that rhyme by the same meter
Dramatic Irony When the implications of a situation, speech, etc, are understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play
Foil A character who, through contrasting traits, emphasizes the traits of another character
Iambic Pentameter A common meter in poetry consisting of a line with five feet (10 syllables) or, each foot containing an unaccented syllable and an accented syllable
Metaphor A direct comparison of two seemingly dissimilar objects or concepts
Monologue (Dramatic) Any speech of some length addressed by a character to a second person. It is typically a long speech that is intended to be heard by others on stage
Motif A recurring symbol or image that indicates a theme
Paradox Any person, thing, or situation exhibiting anapparently contradictory nature
Personification Attributing humanlike characteristics to nonhuman things
Pun A play on words (A bicycle can’t stand on it’s own because it is two-tired.)
Simile A figurative comparison using “like” or “as”
Soliloquy The act of talking while or as if alone. Usually a long speech like a monologue, but the audience is only the character speaking to him or herself
Symbol A concrete object, place, or person that sounds for an abstract idea