Macbeth 2

Noblemen rank of Macduff, Lennox, Ross, Mentieth, Angus, Caithness; synonym for peers
England country to which Malcolm flees after Duncan’s murder
Scovielle The songs in Act 3, Scene 5, and Act 4, Scene 1, were added to Macbeth from the play Witch written by Thomas___: scholar believed to have interpolated the scenes in which Hecate appears
Forres location of the palace of the King of Scotland
scone the traditional coronation site for the Scottish kings: Macbeth goes there to be invested
Caithness Scottish noblemen: one of the rebels against Macbeth’s rule: Says of Macbeth: “Some say he’s mad: others that lesser hate him, Do call it valiant fury: but, for certain He cannot buckle his distempered cause within the belt of rule”
Heath open tract of wasteland covered with heather and low shrubs: moor; setting for the witches appearances
Second; Hurlyburly ____ witch’s answer to the question of when they’ll meet again: “When the ____ done, when the battle’s lost and won.”
Naught poetic word for “nothing” or “worthless, useless”
Sinel Macbeth’s father
Siward Earl of Northumberland and general of the English forces
Birnam woods outside Macbeth’s castle: Scottish rebels holding tree branches in front of them approach the castle, thus fulfilling one of the witches for Macbeth’s defeat
Witches first three characters to appear in Macbeth
Scotland country ruled by Duncan
McB character whose ambition to be king leads him to commit murder
Inverness Macbeth’s castle
bell signal for Macbeth to go to Duncan’s chamber
Duncan – Duncan- good king under whom Scotland flourishes: his two sons flee the country after his murder
Glamis Macbeth’s title at the beginning of the play: Thane of ___
foul “So___ and fair a day I have not seen: the use of the terms fair and ___represent the confusion of good and evil: “Fair is ___ and foul is fair.”
Martlet house martin; bird of the swallow family; usually builds its nest in churches; Duncan and Banquo note the presence of these birds outside Inverness as an indication of peace and harmony
Mentieth Scottish nobleman who reports the nearness of English forces (led by Malcolm, Siward, and Macduff) and their burning desire
Nature “Yet I do not fear thy ___. It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness…” thus Lady Macbeth tells her husband she feels he will be unable to carry out the murder plans
father Lady Macbeth’s relative whom Duncan resembles so much that Lady Macbeth is unable to murder Duncan
Gallows glasses heavily armed and well trained soldiers; more disciplined and more heavily armed than kerns
five number of acts in Shakespeare’s tragedies
regicide term for killing of a king
James English king who was the descendant of Banquo
head – At the end of the play Macbeth engages in a duel with Macduff who kills Macbeth and cuts off his ___; traditional punishment for a traitor
Northumberland England’s northernmost country; Siward is the earl of this country in Macbeth
candle – Macbeth indicates his utter disillusionment in the famous passage: “Out of brief ___! Life but a walking shadow, a poor player. That sins and frets his hour upon the stage. And then hears no more.”
general military rank of Macbeth and Banquo
blood – Lady Macbeth’s feelings of guilt take the form of sleepwalking and an attempt to wash invisible___from her hands.
ghost Apparition: seeing Duncan’s ___completely unnerves Macbeth and causes Lady Macbeth to end the banquet
hereafter – Macbeth has been so affected by the monstrous stream of events that his only reply to the news of his wife’s death is: “She should have died ___ at a more convenient time.”
evil – The central theme of Macbeth is the devastating effect when the protagonist confuses good and bad or ___; something morally bad
Angus Scottish nobleman and rebel against Macbeth; reports that they will meet the English forces near Birnam Wood and says that Macbeth no longer commands the devotion of his soldiers but that they “move only in command.”
Seyton officer who attends Macbeth
horrors – “I have almost forgot the taste of fears… I have supped full with ___/ Direness familiar to my slaughterous thoughts/ cannot once start me.”
irony dramatic device employed in speeches such as Duncan’s talk about the difficulty of knowing by a man’s face what is running through his mind and such as the discussion of the former Thane of Cawdor as a traitor when the present Thane of Cawdor is planning treason
dunsinane King Macbeth’s castle; fortified castle at which Macbeth takes his last stand against the rebels
Holinshed sixteen century author of Chronicles, the source of the major portion of the plot of Macbeth
Ross Scottish nobleman who announces the beginning of the rebellion against Macbeth and reports the fate of Macduff’s family
Macduff nobleman who discovers Duncan’s murder; character who decides not to attend Macbeth’s coronation and flees Scotland, returning later to avenge his family
wife relationship to Macbeth of the person he addresses in a letter as “dearest partner of greatness”
Lennox Scottish nobleman; accompanies Macduff to Macbeth’s castle the night of Duncan’s murder; Macduff tells him of his suspicions about Macbeth’s guilt
Donalbain one of Duncan’s sons; flees to Ireland after his father’s murder
Malcolm Duncan’s other son; flees to England after his father’s murder; while in England, he stays with Kind Edward and tries to raise and army to unseat Macbeth from the throne and place himself there
Anon archaic term meaning “coming soon”
Banquo general of the Scottish army; character who functions as Macbeth’s foil; the witches prophesy that he will be the father of kings though not himself
suicide manner of Lady Macbeth’s death
Fleance Banquo’s son; flees Scotland after his father’s murder
Thane clan chieftain, equal in rank to an earl’s son, who became a baron under the king; a person of rank who held land for the king
Hecate goddess of witchcraft and sorcery; appears in the scene not believed to have been written by Shakespeare
Cawdor thane executed for his disloyalty to King Duncan; Maceth is then invested with this thane’s title
Marry a mild oath, which originally meant “By the Virgin Mary:” used as an exclamation of surprise or as intensive
weal archaic term for a sound or prosperous state; the public good or welfare: another form of common wealth: common