Personification | I am sure my love’s more ponderous than my tongue. |
Apostrophe | Blow winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage, blow! |
Foreshadow | Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides, Who covers faults at last with shame derides. |
Imagery | The fishermen that walk upon the beach appear like mice, and yound tall anchoring bark diminished to her cock, her cock a buoy almost too small for sight. |
Simile | I am bound upon a whell of fire, that mine own tears do scald like molten lead. |
Aphorism | Th’hast spoken right. ‘Tis true the whell is come full circle; I am here. |
Allusion | Dost thou squinny at me? No, do thy worst, blind Cupid, I’ll not love.” |
Paradox | Gods, gods! ‘Tis stange that from their cold’st neglect my love should kindle to inflamed respect. |
Paradox 2 | I am a man more sinned against than sinning. |
Oxymoron | Fairest Cordelia, thou art most rich being poor; Most choice, forsaken; and most love, despised. |
Oxymoron 2 | We too alone will sing like birds i’ th’ cage. |
Pun | But for all this thou shalt have as many dolors for thy daughters love as thou canst tell in a year. |
Metaphor | Thou rascal beadle, hold thy bloody hand! |
Irony | KENT: They younges daughter does not love thee least, nor are these empty-hearted whose low sounds reverb no hollowness.LEAR: Kent, on they life, no more. |
Irony 2 | The revenges we are bound to take upon your traitorous father are not fit for you beholding. |
Irony 3 | How malicious is my fourtune that I must repent to be just! |
Allegory | How, howl, howls! O, you are men of stones! Had I your tongues and eyes, I’d use them so that heaven’s vault should crack. |
Assonance | Change places and, handy-dandy, which is the justice, which is the thief? |
Paradox | I stumbled when I saw |
Paradox 2 | I am better than thou are now, I am a fool, thou art nothing |
Paradox 3 | O, matter and impertinency mix’d, reason in madness! |
Synecdoche | … |
King Lear Literary Devices
July 21, 2019