What news about Albany, Cornwall, and the King of France does Kent reveal to the Gentleman? | Kent explains to the Gentleman that the division between Albany and Cornwall has intensified. He also reveals that the King of France plans to invade the country and has, in fact, already landed with his troops on the shores of Dover. |
What mission does Kent as the Gentleman to complete? | Kent sends the Gentleman to Dover where he must meet Cordelia and inform her of all the mischief that has happened. He gives a ring to the Gentleman that he can present to Cordelia so that she will recognize him as a messenger from Kent. |
In Lear’s first speech in this scene, how does Shakespeare portray the great emotional upheaval going on within Lear’s mind? | Lear defies the storm, telling nature to destroy the earth and everything in it, himself included, but especially “ungrateful” children. The growing confusion in his mind if mirrored by the ferocity of the storm. |
What comment about women does Lear make in his speech? | Lear remarks that “there was never yet fair woman but she made mouths in a glass.” Lear believes that al women are preoccupied with their physical appearance and rehearse their behavior and gestures in front of the mirror. |
What is Kent’s opinion of the storm’s ferocity? | Kent considers the storm to be the worst he has ever experienced. he believes that it is impossible for humans to survive the storm without shelter. |
How does Lear’s remark “I am a man more sinn’d against than sinning” reflect his development as a human being within the play? | Lear recognizes that he has made many severe mistakes. he is beginning to realize that some of his long-held assumptions about human nature and relationships are invalid and meaningless. However, even through he recognizes his errors, he does not believe that he deserves the be in the wilderness exposed to a terrible storm. He believes that the sins his daughters Regan and Goneril have committed against him, the disrespect they have shown him, surpass any of the mistakes he has made in his life. |
How does the Fool evaluate the state of Britain in his closing “prophecy”? | In this ironic speech, the Fool expresses his disillusionment with the state of Britain. He prophesies an imaginary time when all evil, cheating, etc., will cease to exist. According to the Fool, this time will never come; he believes that Britain is so absorbed by corruption and evil that it would be difficult or impossible for things to change. |
How do Regan, Goneril, and Cornwall react to Gloucester’s request to pity the King? | They instantly deprive Gloucester of his privilege to use his own house. He has also been ordered not to mention the King’s name again. |
What information does Edmund share with the audience after his father tell shim about the “dangerous” letter and subsequently exits the stage? | Edmund reveals to the audience that he is going straight to the Duke with the information he has received about the approaching troops of the King of France. he hopes that everything his father loses will be given to him. |
How does Lear explain his approaching insanity? | Lear compares his state of mind to the storm that is raging outside. He states “the tempest in my mind doth from my senses take all feeling.” Lear feels overwhelmed by the many conflicting thoughts that occupy his mind and cloud his ability to think clearly and reasonably. He blames his sickly disposition on the “filial ingratitude” of his daughters. |
In which lines in this scene is Edgar’s speech filled with alliterations? | Abundant alliteration occurs in the following lines: “The foul fiend follows me,” and “the foul fiend hath led through fire and through flame, through ford…” |
Upon seeing Edgar emerge from the hovel disguised as poor Tom, what does lear immediately assume has happened to Edgar? | Lear immediately assumes that Edgar’s fate is the same of his own. He believes that Edgar has given up his possessions to his daughters and that he has been mistreated and sent out into the storm, just as he has. |
How does Edgar respond to Lear’s assumptions? | Edgar begins to paraphrase a list of rules that resembles the Ten Commandments, among them “obey thy parents”. |
Why does Lear tear off his clothes? | When he exclaims “thou art the thing itself,” Lear seems to recognize that Edgar represents the basic essence of a human being- a man who is without possessions, home, friends, or obligations and who is on the same level as animals. He also sees that he, the King, is in no better position than the beggar poor Tom. he tears off his clothes to demonstrate what he has in common with poor Tom: the both have nothing. |
How does Gloucester’s appearance at the hovel illustrate the parallel structure between the Lear-daughters plot and the Gloucester-sons subplot? | When Gloucester arrives at the hovel, he explains that he felt obligated to assist the King, even though Goneril and Regan have forbidden him to look for Lear. He recognizes that the King is undergoing the same experience that he is undergoing with his own children. He believes that his son set out to kill him, and he fears that Regan and Goneril plan a similar fate for their father. Gloucester has begun his journey toward insight- he identifies with the King, because he recognizes himself in the King’s suffering. |
What trait is Lear developing as a result of his daughter’s treatment? How does this trait affect lear’s status as a tragic hero? | Lear is developing a sense of human compassion. he recognizes that, when he was the King, he did not think at all about the poor and homeless, who are also suffering in this storm. This compassion begins to make Lear a sympathetic character so that his final tragedy might evoke the necessary pity from the audience. |
What imaginary event does lear stage once he has entered the farmhouse chamber? | Lear stages a mock trial in which he prosecutes his two daughters Goneril and Regan. |
What does Lear accuse Goneril of during his imaginary trial? | Kear claims that Goneril “kicked the poor king her father”. |
Why does Edgar fear his true identity might be exposed and how does the audience learn about his concerns? | Edgar an barely keep his tears back as he watched Lear proceed through the mock trial. he is overwhelmed with pity and fears that he is not able to continue speaking in the language of mad Tom. Edgar addresses the audience in a soliloquy and expresses his concerns. |
What news does Gloucester deliver upon his arrival? | Gloucester has overheard the plot to kill lear. He urges Kent and the Fool to convey Lear to Dover where Cordelia and the King of France have landed. |
How does Lear’s suffering impact Edgar disposition? | After seeing Lear’s suffering, Edgar feels that he is now able to carry his own load a little more easily. He claims that “when we better see bearing woes, we scarcely think our miseries our foes.” Edgar also expresses his belief that shared suffering alleviates individual pain. He realizes that he is not the only person who has had to endure hardship, and he gains strength from the presence of others who have also suffered. |
Why does Cornwall order his servants to pursue Gloucester? | He declares Gloucester a traitor because Gloucester is communicating with the King of France and Cordelia. |
How does Cornwall vow to treat Gloucester once he has been found? | Cornwall vows to turn his anger on Gloucester and let him feel his wrath. However, he knows that, by law, he cannot simply kill Gloucester without a trial. |
Why does Gloucester consider Regan’s and Cornwall’s behavior toward him inappropriate? | Gloucester reminds Regan and Cornwall that they are guests in his house and that, their host, he should be treated with some respect. |
What information do Regan and Cornwall demand from Gloucester? | They demand to know where Gloucester has sent King Lear. |
What image does Gloucester evoke in the following lines he speaks to Regan: “Because I would not see thy cruel nails pluck out his poor old eyes, nor thy fierce sister in his anointed flesh stick boarish fangs?” | The lines evoke an image of cruelty and viciousness. Gloucester compares the actions of the two sisters to the brutal actions of a vulture or a predatory animal. |
How does the image of the two sisters compare to their words of affection they uttered in the opening scene of the play? | In the first scene of the play, Goneril claims that she loves Lear more than words can say and that her father is “dearer than eye-sight” to her. her recent actions reveal her deceptive nature; she is now displaying hatred and cruelty toward her father. The empty words Goneril offere is in the opening scene of the play have, all along, been meaningless and self-serving. Goneril is revealed as a selfish and heartless woman who has lied to her father about her true feelings. |
Why does the servant interfere with the proceedings in Gloucester’s castle and what do his actions reveal about his character? | The servant is trying to stop Cornwall from blinding Gloucester completely by putting out both of his eyes. He recognizes the injustice and cruelty of the actions that are unfolding in from of his eyes, and he addresses Cornwall with the words “I have served you ever since I was a child; But better service have I never done you than now t bid you hold.” The servant’s actions reveal his just character. he does not blindly follow the orders of his lord but evaluates the actions he sees according to the principles of humanity and fairness. |
What startling news about Edmund does Gloucester learn from Goneril? | Gloucester learns that Edmund has betrayed him and falsely accused his brother Edgar. |
What theme is advanced by the gouging out of Gloucester’s eyes? | It is in the process of becoming physically blind that Gloucester learns the truth about Edgar and Edmund and how “blind” he has been to the truth. This advances the theme of sight and insight. |
What is significant about the servant’s challenging Cornwall about his treatment of Gloucester? | Two disruptions of the natural order are illustrated here. First, just as daughters and sons have turned against their parents, so also do servants challenge their masters. Secondly, the royal and noble classes were believed to be (and considered themselves to be) materially better than the lower classes. yet, in this instance, we see the noble traits of mercy and justness displayed by the actions of the servant, while the mater is cruel and unjust. |
King Lear Act 3 Reading Check
July 11, 2019