Heath | Wasteland |
Anon | A short time |
Brandish | Banishing a weapon |
Valor | Bravory |
Swine | Low class person |
Thane | Ranking ,Granting military service |
Liege | Feudal superior or soverant |
Treason | Portraying someone or some thing |
Imperial | Pertaining to an empire |
Recompense | To compensate for loss or harm |
Sovereign | Supreme ruler monarch |
Fantastical | Extravagantly fansitful |
Corporal | Relation to the body |
Wanton | Nor regard for a persons feelings |
Harbinger | One that announces foreshadows what is coming |
Compunctions | Anxiety arising from guilt & remorse |
Wassail | Salutations drinking to the health of others |
Quell | To suppress,extinguish, subdue |
Adage | Short statement expressing general truth |
Purveyor | Person who sends goods |
Villian | Character who evil actions or motives are important to the plot |
Jutty | Projecting part of a building |
Mansionry | Dwelling (nest,shack,mansion) |
Missives | Written messages/ letters |
Honor’s English vocabulary for Macbeth
September 13, 2019